Emailed Talk From Governing Body Member Last Weekend

by tryingtoexit 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • bobld

    It's so sad however, the R&F will lap up this shit like i'ts good food.Many believed Hilter and the Nazi's and look what happened.This guy don't know shit what God wants knows or does. As if he cares about if the Bro/Sis are doing all they can to recruit more people so the donations don't stop.

    What does he care what happenes to my life.Look I live a good life and when I die I DO NOT WANT TO BE RESURRECTED OK.Now get that through your small brain.


  • blondie

    HG, yes the WTS now teaches that the judging of the sheep and goats does not start until the great tribulation (future) starts.

    *** w00 1/15 p. 13 "Keep on the Watch" ***In the parable of the sheep and the goats, the Son of man arrives in his glory in the period of the great tribulation and sits in judgment. He judges people on the basis of whether they gave support to Christ’s anointed brothers. This standard for judgment would be meaningless if at the time of judgment, all of Christ’s brothers had long since left the earthly scene.—Matthew 25:31-46.

    *** w03 12/15 p. 15 par. 8 Our Watchfulness Takes On Greater Urgency ***In modern times, sincere students of the Bible have learned from the inspired Scriptures that this system is doomed to destruction. Do we believe this? Notice what Jesus Christ clearly stated: "There will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again." (Matthew 24:21) Jesus also said that he would come as God’s appointed Judge and would separate people as a shepherd separates sheep from goats. Those found unworthy would "depart into everlasting cutting-off, but the righteous ones into everlasting life."—Matthew 25:31-33, 46.

    *** w95 10/15 pp. 27-28 par. 21 What Future for the Sheep and the Goats? ***What, though, does this fresh understanding of the parable of the sheep and the goats mean to us? Well, people are already taking sides. Some are on ‘the broad road leading off into destruction,’ while others try to stay on ‘the cramped road leading off into life.’ (Matthew 7:13, 14) But the time when Jesus will pronounce final judgment on the sheep and the goats depicted in the parable is yet ahead. When the Son of man comes in the role of Judge, he will determine that many true Christians—actually "a great crowd" of dedicated sheep—will qualify to pass through the final part of "the great tribulation" into the new world. That prospect should now be a source of joy. (Revelation 7:9, 14) On the other hand, vast numbers out of "all the nations" will have proved themselves to be like stubborn goats. They "will depart into everlasting cutting-off." What a relief for the earth!

  • carla

    "He repeatedly said with all his counsel "This is not the Governing Body saying this. This is Jehovah speaking to you.'"--

    What do current jw's say to this when they claim that the gb is only men who make mistakes, blah, blah, blah, we don't claim to be inspired etc.etc..?

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I talked to a older sister in the hall on Monday and someone had sent her Tony's talk. She was just raving about it. I said that I too had read parts of it and something the seemed strange and really brothered me was that that he was talking like Jehovah was actually talking to the GB and telling them what to say. That what the GB said was the same as if Jehovah had come down and spoken it himself.

    The older sister said yes I know that is what I got out of it myself. I said but is that not scary since the GB are still imperfect men. She did not stop and think about what I had said for a minute but went right on with her way of thinking and said yes it is so great that Jehovah is speaking through these men. I sopped her again and said but are not the GB imperfect people. She said yes. I then said well how can what they say be taken as Jehovah speaking trough them if what they say in imperfect.

    She just could not get what I was meaning in the least and said again it is so loving for Jehovah to speak to us through his faithful slave.

    I just gave up.


  • Heaven

    carla said: "He repeatedly said with all his counsel "This is not the Governing Body saying this. This is Jehovah speaking to you.'"--

    What do current jw's say to this when they claim that the gb is only men who make mistakes, blah, blah, blah, we don't claim to be inspired etc.etc..?

    Good question, carla. It was stuff like this that over the years kept me from joining. I think it also 'stumbles' many and adds to the reasons why a lot decide to leave.

    I think the GB doesn't realize that people have very good memories.

  • jambon1

    I (and many others) foresaw that they would use the new 'family study night' as a big stick to beat the living s**t out of each other. Isn't it sad that they fulfill everyones expectations so predictably?

    As for the 'burning bodies' bit. All I can say is - CULT.

    The fearmongering that goes on among the 'happy people' really is astounding.

    Lets talk about evrey conceivable depressing thing under the sun! Dying, the recession, what you're not doing in the truth, the graphic end of world content. Sheeesh! No wonder they are so misderable & depressed.

  • Cadellin

    This is troubling on so many levels, I don't know where to start.

    So I won't. Except to say to Carla that this is an example of classic cult strategy: We're speaking for God (ie inspired) when we want you to obey us. We're imperfect men when we get something wrong. It's perfect, isn't it? No accountability. Absolutely none. It's like this business with the planned expansion of Walkill that, according to a letter read in our KH a week or 2 back, said would take "several years" to complete. And I turned to my husband and hissed, "But Armaggedon's "imminent"!!!" This org has no accountability for how they use words, tossing around canards like "the time left is reduced" and "imminent" but none of these JW ever say, "Wait a f*ckin' minute--you've been saying "imminent" and "reduced" for the last f*ckin' century..."

    No, I'm not going to start. There!!

    Now, if y'all excuse me, I have a research paper to finish....

  • BluesBrother

    Re, "life is too short's" conversation with a sister

    She just could not get what I was meaning in the least

    I know the type, the ones who really buy into this baloney and have their expectancy-levels topped up by exciting talks.

    Mercifully there are also those who will politely applaud the speaker but think that he is going a step too far. Knowing that he is just Bro Morris making up the talk, they go back to work Monday, spend what they need on the plastic , and settle down to watch t v in the evening. They have heard it all before.

    [Edited to add]

    I see from the c/d rom that Bro Morris was formerly a special helper to the G B before being appointed to join their ranks. This is not a new observation, but since the helpers were drawn from the "Other sheep" his recognition of the heavenly calling to be one of "The Lords anointed" could not have come at a more convenient time.....Could it???

  • moshe

    I started building a house in 1976- I took a lot of flack over that one- being a new elder, it was a bad example, they said. Of course, the brothers willingly let me hire them for some of the work. Having material stuff is always bad for a JW- They say it's better to live simply and give all you can to the worldwide work- what a scam.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    The guy is talking sales talk, his object is to enthuse the rank and file and he is bringing it on in the same old way just like Knorr just like Rutherford. just like Franz just like Russel they inhabit the fantasy world of the mind, it's a kind of an imagination, it's a senario in a fantasy caused by faulty wiring in the brain. In reality he is saying believe what we tell you or the bogey man will get you, the phantom creature used to scare little children.

    Well we are not little children and we do not like confidence tricksters we have had over a hundred years of false Watchtower garbage and their wicked prophets, now we can see clearly what the Watchtower Org. is all about. Decade after decade of ignoring reality by sitting on the fence doing nothing tangible but accepting the status quo of World problems.

    If there is a God and if there is a heaven and if there is an account, when the The Almighty asks the Watchtower leaders, " How did you help suffering humanity? " their reply will be "well we sold plenty of books and magazines and that was about all we did , oh! nearly forgot God ,we owned a massive collection of real estate. We didn't need soup kitchens either because at Bethel all our needs were taken care of and God is your name really not Jehovah , well we never knew that, we learn something everyday,"

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