Best way to get out of that cult is to tell them 'kiss my black ass' and walk your white, yellow, red, brown or black ass away.
Trying to annul your baptism, WT says forget about it.
by cattails 31 Replies latest jw friends
It's interesting that this is even a topic for a wt isn't it? I wonder if the many threads here and on other boards of jw's asking if there is a way to have your baptism annulled is the reason for the article?
I remember a poster here that got out of it because no one had seen him in the baptism group, say the questions, or had pictures of him doing so.
Here's another thread with the date of WT.
I was baptized in 73, so the questions were a bit different.
Didn't they make one of the questions something along the lines that by your baptism you are announcing that you are an OBEDIENT member of the WTBTS? They call it "God's organization" in the question (I think) but WTBTS claims to be god's only "approved" organization, so its the same.
If nothing else shows that the WTBTS is not Christian adding a question like this to the baptism "process" certainly does it. What does Revelation say "...who adds ... anything ....the lake of fire"? Also, in the baptisms mentioned in the Bible I don't read about a "process" that is being followed except for the immersion in water. Jesus didn't have to take an oral quiz first. That part must be new light.
If they are going to get all legal here .... then I have a get out.
Although in the second of the current questions, the candiatates are asked to say yes to "do you recognise that your baptism identifies you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses" (or words to that effect), I got baptised long before they changed the questions and the second question was much more to the effect that you would do Jehovah's will hence forth as directed by the holy spirit.
BlackSwan of Memphis
This is where I wonder if its' necssary for elected officials to step in.... but it's a sticky situation, I admit what with freedom of religion here in the states.
I know kids who were baptized before they even hit the mark of ten years old. How the f*** can a ten year old even begin to comprehend what he's being asked to do?
The fact is, they can't. A baptism in the eyes of the JWs is so completely different than what the rest of the world thinks of. A baptism in the eyes of the GB is more like a contract between a person and a legal corporation.
In that sense how can they possibly be allowed to let children enter into a legal contract without the protection of someone who can make sure they aren't going to be exploited or harmed?
Blows me away....
Currently the questions are and the offending phrase is highlighted. The holy spirit has been replaced with the ORGANIZATION.
*** w06 4/1 p. 22 ‘Go and Make Disciples, Baptizing Them’ ***
The Two Baptismal Questions
On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?
Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization?
How do they know how you answered the 2 questions? What if you claim you said "no"? What would the legal consequences be?
"I know kids who were baptized before they even hit the mark of ten years old." Yes, my daughter-in-law's niece was baptized at age 9. Her father objected, but her mother went to the elders who visited the father and set him straight. She is already shunning her cousin that she used to play with, who is not even a JW. There's another kid headed for disaster.