How is your life affected by the Jehovah's Witness religion now?

by jambon1 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • xeracia

    I've been DA'd now for 10 years. My sister is on the fence in regards to fading. She has issues about the religion allowing pedaphiles to sit alongside her daughter in the congregation and her not being told. But she still thinks it is the 'truth'. So she calls me and asks me questions from time to time on how to deal with certain issues in regaurds to questions her daughter asks like 'mom isn't this against jehovah's teaching? but we don't go to kingdom hall'. Why she asks me I do not know. I just tell her it is a cult and they need to get out.

    And I am still dealing with my own anti-social tendencies. Coming to these forums has made me realize parts of my own personality that are still affected from the way that I was raised. Having lost 21 years of my life to that religion, and only being out for 10, I think I am still seaking and learning things about myself.

    And I have an aunt and uncle who do not speak to me and a couple of cousins. Was never that close to them to begin with though. So no big loss.

  • sacolton

    I have no direct connections with Jehovah's Witnesses now since my divorce. My ex-wife is no longer a JW, but most of her family remains in, so it has been difficult for her and her sister (also an ex-JW). It's good they have each other. She is celebrating her first Christmas on her own this year and is happier than ever out of the Watchtower organization.

  • Joshnaz

    1) Great sense of freedom now.

    2) More enjoyment in life.

    3)Still have family bounderies after 10 years of being DA'd

    4)Learned alot from being on this site on things after all these years I still had questions about.

  • Twitch

    Whether you are new 'out' of the org or you have been out for a number of years, how does the org affect your life at the moment?

    Other than the occasional invitation to the memorial by the parents, not at all. It comes up in conversation sometimes in an offhand way but nothing directed specifically regarding me. We just don't talk about it.

    How do you feel about the way the religion influences your life at the moment, even in the smallest ways?

    I don't feel anything about it anymore. It's been 23 years since I left. It's a distant memory. It doesn't affect me any more than any other normal issues kids have when growing up.

  • readyornot

    I've been out for over 15 years but mentally free for 6 months. My mom, bro and nieces are still in but our relationship has been strained for awhile. I think I've recently severed contact with the bro.

    It still makes me sad, but knowledge is power and understanding what I've been up against all these years, has brought me a tremendous amount of peace. I like where I am now.

  • Awen

    Been out for 10 years now, disciplined back in 1999. Told the Elders I didn't think the WTS had the truth and I needed to go out into the world and look for it to be sure. Since I was baptised at age 19, I felt I had not considered enough options and there were too many questions the WTS (God's spirit directed organization,) couldn't seem to answer. So I was disfellowshipped at my own request. Yes, I asked them to do so and they were happy to oblige.

    Went out, got involved in Paganism, Buddhism, you name it, I probably studied or participated in it. Found no hope in the world or at least nothing comparable to what i thought the WTS offered.

    Went back, started partaking at the memorial (though still disfellowshipped) and found my spine. Started investigating the WTS' past history, old light, looked into sites such as e-watchman, this one and many others, connected the dots.

    Now I enjoy a very healthy relationship with God and his Son. I have quality friends who ask about me when they do not hear from me. People older than me often seek my advice.

    It feels good to be wanted for something other than my field service report.

    Of course I gain a lil bit of wicked glee by going to the Memorial and partaking of the emblems (not because of the way JW's view the heavenly calling) but because I believe everyone has the potential for a heavenly life. Many are called but few are chosen. Which means to me, that of the ones called who are not chosen for heaven are still eligible for life on a cleansed earth.

    So they may think I partake because I consider myself called as one of the 144k, but in reality it's because Jesus commanded ALL his followers to celebrate his death in this way and the JW's have twisted this celebration into a "look at me" contest. Kinda like a spiritual beauty pageant.

    I communicate with other XJW's and try to help them by sharing my knowledge and experience.

    We have all been given a gift, experience, which came with a heavy price. But I do not want to be like the man who buried his master's wealth in the field and had nothing to offer when he returned. It might not be five-fold, but it won't be nothing either.

    Also I once left my entire family behind for JW's. Jesus said that his words would alienate brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, children: entire families. Which is an oft-qouted reason JW's give as proof of their religion. Now I have gone the opposite way and lost my JW family for Jesus' truth. If it was worth it before, how can it not be worth it again?

  • mrsjones5

    Just today a good friend of mine asked if my family and I were going to spend Thanksgiving with my parents (jw). I got a good laugh out of that one.

  • Dagney

    Funny you should ask. **sigh**

    Whether you are new 'out' of the org or you have been out for a number of years, how does the org affect your life at the moment? I stopped cold after a moment of clarity during a WT study in the summer of 2001 and have not been back. I'm a "born in" and it's complicated, like for everybody else here. I still have contact with JW friends, probably daily, them to me, but strangely, no preaching or talk at all about coming back. Thankfully, the JW family is far away...not without their impact, but still far away. Tonight I am having dinner at my best friend's house, her hubby is a MS. I love them dearly and they me, but for the first time ever I am having mixed emotions about going. I think over the past few months I am distancing myself more and more from everything JW. I want to be done with it already, very badly, but I don't think that will happen anytime soon. BUT, I did tell my g/f yesterday the "the JW answer to all problems is mass genocide." I just love that. LOL.

    How do you feel about the way the religion influences your life at the moment, even in the smallest ways? It is frustrating and maddening. I absolutely hate this GDF religion. That is how I feel. I think it is evil how they just tear apart families and friends. That is just the worse thing they do in my book. And I feel it will be the thing that will do the most damage to the WTBS far and above dogma, 607, pedophilia issues. Just IMHO.

  • jamiebowers

    Df'd for 21 mom has shunned me since then.

  • HappyGuy

    Well, the JW religion helped me really learn to ENJOY life. Halloween? ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. My wife always makes "scary" snacks, like dip with "fingers" for the munchies. LOL. We buy bags and bags of candy and make sure all the kids know to come to our house.

    Christmas? ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. We buy the most tacky, gaudy decorations we can find and have a blast over decorating the too big for our living room christmas tree. Oh, and neither one of us are Christians. LOL

    You know what I figured out about holidays? Human beings do not celebrate holidays because they actually believe in whatever the occassion is supposed to be. Human beings celebrate holidays because they are an excuse to socialize. We NEED this connection with other people. If we didn't have Christmas we would make up something else. Holidays are very important to feeling connected to your friends and family. I remember how upset my dad used to get because we refused to celibrate christmas with him. And for what? So we could "put Jehovah first"? Fuck Jehovah.

    Dancing? I LOVE To dance. Go every chance I get.

    Music? I LOVE rock music, the louder the better.

    Reading "worldly" books? I LOVE to read interesting books about crazy crap like the pyramids or UFOs or the fact that the earth's crust shifts and Antarctica used to be at the equator.

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