Hi all,
I’ll have a long weekend this week because of the Thanksgiving holyday. I made plans to have the entire weekend off with no activities in order to have time to begin to “awake” my wife. I don’t plan to lay everything out in one day, nor take the approach of “we are living this organization”, rather, I’m taking the approach of “here is some information that WE should consider and think about”. Because I understand that it could be overwhelming to a semi-hardcore JW. I would like for you to give me your opinion.
I’m debating on what should be the proper approach to weaken the blind trust in the Watchtower (GB) doctrines and direction. This is what I’m thinking of doing,
1) Present and discuss the WT “circular reasoning” technique. (I’m sure most of you are familiar with this by now).
2) Discuss the basis that the WT use to say that they were selected in 1919, then show that in 1919 they were still doing the same thing that other Christian churches were doing.
3) Then move on to present in summary the following:
a. Wrong dates, 1799,1874,1914,1925,1975
b. Change in medical policies, vaccines, organ transplants, blood fractions.
c. The changes in the “generation” teaching.
d. How they called themselves a “prophet”
Then ask, because of all these errors and misinterpretation, Do you think that they are really directed by the Holy Spirit?
4) Then discuss the WT dishonesty, hypocrisy, double standards and manipulation of information.
a. Child pedophilia handling
b. UN NGO membership
c. Investment in war
d. How they lied about the reason from switching from selling the literature to a contribution basis.
e. The expansions of their facilities while discouraging the R&F’s from improving their lives through education, better jobs, etc.
Then ask, why are they so dishonest with us? Don’t you think it’s hypocritical that they can be a member of the UN and we can’t join or go to a YMCA or openly contribute to the Red-Cross?
Then conclude by showing some clips from ex-moonies and ex-mormons and if she allows me, depending on her emotional state, show her some ex-jw clips, testimonies, etc.
I would like for you to tell me what you have done to help others see the “light”, what worked, what didn’t worked, what would you have done differently, etc. Any other ideas?