Why are there so many 'Debbie Downers' in this world? You'd be *shocked* as to how many jw's are saying on Facebook about "why do people choose one day a year to show thanks? You should really show thanks everyday"
UGH!!! As my status update for today, I put: The Holiday "Thanksgiving" is meant for everyone to unite with all they are thankful for, and to be with family, friends, and rockin' food. ;-) Do people REALLY think "love and thanks" isn't shown the rest of the year? puhLeaze...if you don't want to celebrate it, then don't. But please don't judge others who do...*Ro mans 14:5,6 & Colossians 2:16* I am SO THANKFUL for everyone who knows what unconditional love is
Nobody realizes I'm an apostate....hence why I have so many jw's on my facebook. As far as everybody's concerned, I've been inactive for a really long time. I never rock the boat. But ya know what.... I'm getting really sick of it. Hmph.
Ok, rant over. I'm going to put the finishing touches on some white chocolate chip cookies, spinich dip, and tofurky