I dont read my daily horoscopes they are kind of vauge and ambiguous.
One time a friend prepared a detailed horoscope on my wife and I and it was scary how it identified our likes dislikes and who we were as people.
On the other hand I know who I am and what I like and dislike so I dont need an astrologer to tell me that.
And no one has shown me how I can make money or make my life more comfortable with the astrological knowledge.
But for some in other professions, or carerrs the stars may give a leg up.
As far as I know Astrology and horosocpes are based on physics and the idea that life originated from a big bang and from that initial point everything is expanding.
If you can get enough information on yourself and those you are dealing with you might have a leg up based on astrological data.
I dont see the average person having the time or wherewithal to exploit horoscopes.
Some of the very rich who keep getting richer probably can and do.