My parents are having a Turkey day get together and guess who they didn't invite?

by mrsjones5 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • BabaYaga

    Josie said

    I tried very hard not to let this get to me but I have to admit that I cried myself to sleep and it was very hard to get up today and start cooking.

    Dammit, Josie, you just made my eyes water! Good heavens, don't they see how awesome you are... I'm so sorry your Momma doesn't apreciate you, Darling.

    The Baba loves you, for what it's worth.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    hen she looked at me and asked "What are you going to do?"

    Is it possible this was a prelude to an invite? I know when I invite someone to a function, I begin by asking if they have plans.

  • mrsjones5

    "You should let them know they hurt your feelings."

    Bad idea, would be just like rolling over like a dog and showing my vulnerable parts. My mother has a way of making me feel stupid for showing any sign of weakness.

  • dinah

    Ahhh, you must have one of those controlling, guilt-trippin' Mamas.

    Maybe you should invite her over for dinner when no holiday is involved.

  • mrsjones5

    "Is it possible this was a prelude to an invite? I know when I invite someone to a function, I begin by asking if they have plans."

    Nope, this was punishment for not responding to a call she made last Sunday, she doesn't beat around the bush if she wants me to come over. She likes to play cruel games with her children. My mother called at 8:30am while I was still asleep, my caller id and message machine picked up the call but she didn't leave a message. In my mother's mind I still should have responded. But if you call my house and I'm not available leave a message, no message no call back.

  • mrsjones5

    "Ahhh, you must have one of those controlling, guilt-trippin' Mamas."

    You got it Dinah.

    P.S. Thank you Baba and Blondie

  • dinah

    Turn the tables on her. Nobody is f'n perfect.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Nope, this was punishment for not responding to a call she made last Sunday, she doesn't beat around the bush if she wants me to come over. She likes to play cruel games with her children. My mother called at 8:30am while I was still asleep, my caller id and message machine picked up the call but she didn't leave a message. In my mother's mind I still should have responded. But if you call my house and I'm not available leave a message, no message no call back.

    You should have crashed the party.

  • mrsjones5

    "Turn the tables on her. Nobody is f'n perfect."

    I'm making plans now Girlfriend

    "You should have crashed the party. "

    Yeah, that would have been great but I'm planning something else. Won't say until it's all worked out.

  • dinah

    The best you can do is live a good life. Maybe have Mr. Jones say a few well placed words about how you can really rock his world.

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