My parents are having a Turkey day get together and guess who they didn't invite?

by mrsjones5 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    josie, I'm the oldest in my family. My mother made it clear for years (even now if I hadn't stopped talking to her 8 years ago) that I was not her favorite child. Unknown to the rest of my siblings she said the same to each of us, that they were the favorite. About 8 years ago we compared notes and realized how we have been played and deliberately hurt by her. Now she is a lonely women who none of her children have anything to do with. We have all healed a great deal and no longer turn ourselves inside out for her approval, knowing none of us will get it. I have learned to stay close to healthy people like my hubby and my friends.

    I hope you can find some peace for yourself in your family. I know you cherish those who truly love you.

    Love, Blondie

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I am sorry.

  • dinah

    What would make a woman have a "favorite child". I just can't understand that. I love both my children, for different reasons. I am a little closer to my son right now, but my daughter is 16 (butting heads with Mama).

    I love my memories. My little girl toddling around, my little boy having fits cos he couldn't walk yet. Good times.

    The Dubs honestly do take natural affection of the equation.

    I can remember back when my kids pissed me off. Remember, Dana, they were once cute and soon they will be gone. The worst fate I could have would be for my kids not to love me back. But I haven't raised them with dub mentality. I hope they look back and thank me.

    The Witnesses teach us to use love as a weapon for control, which is not real love at all.

    You love your kids, religion be damned.

  • Mary

    Josie, you should do the exact same thing to your mother for Christmas your own uh, 'Turkey Day'. Have it on December 25th, invite your siblings and their families over, go over to your mom's the day before, sit there and tell her about the great roast turkey you're cooking, who's all coming over and then look her in the eye and say "what are you doing for tomorrow?"

    Perhaps then she'll get the message.

  • restrangled

    So sorry Josie, but it sounds like your bird was perfection, and now I know why you wanted to "slap your momma"!


  • isaacaustin

    Ah, yes...on that particular day turkey is cheap and everyone is off of work so a dinner ensues. But they are certainly superiorly righteous than other because they do not observe this worldly day. What agin are they doing different from a non-JW on that day?
    I am sorry for this one should have to go thru that kind of abuse.

  • carla

    So are you going to ask her how her THANKSGIVING was? Tell her yours was beautiful, such a nice family day, time to spend with those you love, good food, lots of laughter,.......... and how did your Thanksgiving go mom?

  • AwSnap

    But if you call my house and I'm not available leave a message, no message no call back. HAHA! I'm right there with you on that . Sorry, back to topic

  • megs

    Josie, one consolation is that your children will never have to endure the treatment from you that you have had to endure from your own mother. Her behavior is cruel and unwarranted, but unfortunately we can't choose our parents I hope the support you get here helps minimize the hurt you felt!

  • mrsjones5

    "Maybe have Mr. Jones say a few well placed words about how you can really rock his world."

    Mr Jones said all the right things and rocked my world last night. Love that man.

    Thanks everyone for being so supportive.

    I have four kids and I love them all the same for the individuals that they are. I don't play favorites but I do love up my baby boy (he's six) cuz he still has that baby smell on them and he's so damn cute. I don't understand the favorite game other than my mother uses it to have control over her family, divide and conquer seems to be her motto. My brother and sister wouldn't agree but I've been the most difficult for my mother to control besides the fact that I'm totally opposite in personality to her (me shy and quiet, her outgoing and loud) which just irks her to no end (when I was growing she used to tell me that I had no personality - I did, it just wasn't the one she wanted). I have no plans to ask her how her party went, I don't feel like talking to her right now.

    I had no choice but to put my familly and myself in harms way but we hope soon to correct that for the well-being of my family and I (the stress is literally killing me - blood pressure has shot up and I have headaches everyday).

    Love you guys

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