If he were in the Buick, he'd probably be dead.
Tiger Woods Seriously Injured In Car Crash!
by minimus 74 Replies latest jw friends
He's had a good run...
It looks like his wifey beat him up when she confronted him about seeing another woman. She clubbed the car with a golf club while he tried to hightail it out of there! TMZ has a report on it.
If he didn't have a pre-nuptial, his bank account might soon look uglier than his lacerated face.
Elin, his wife's a hottie but not in the TMZ pic.
Guess, his wife should go to jail for assaulting him.
Here's what I'd like to know---why does the police HAVE to get involved if Tiger tells them it was an "accident"? It seems like she went after him and he's trying to cover it up, which I can understand.
If they have probable cause that a crime was commited, whether the victim wants to cooperate or lies to the contrary, state law would reguire them to investigate. Her changing story, his altered mental status at the hospital along with plain sight observations which contradict the changing story would provide at least probable cause to go forward. They would be looking at whether she really did assault him and/or whether he might have been DUI of pain killers.
She clubbed the car with a golf club while he tried to hightail it out of there!
Minimus ..That seems like one of the few reasonable explanations.
Let's face it, if you found your spouse slumped over the steering wheel in an SUV (or car), why would you go to the back of the vehicle and break the window out. It would only make sense to break out the front passenger side or one of the rear passenger windows, reach in, and then unlock the doors. I mean, come on, the Cadillac is a land yacht. Why would you break out the rear window, climb in and move through all the broked glass ... no way.
Secondly, as my wife mentioned, if she had time to go back inside and get a golf club, why not just get the cars keys?
Inquiring minds wonder.
Rub a Dub
You can get a much better swing at the back of a car than the side for breaking out a window.
You can do an overhead swing with much better impact than trying to side arm hit it.
I'm surprised she got the job done, have you ever tried breaking out a window of a vehicle?