Comparing Jesus and Santa

by AK - Jeff 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I do not have my Watchtower CDROM installed on this box. I recall a quote by the Watchtower some years back that said in effect;

    "If you teach your kids about Santa Claus, and they find out it was all a lie, they might begin to think that what you taught them about Jesus is also a lie."

    In essence, without knowing it, this was a prediction that applied to me in time. I was never taught about Santa. But once I left the Watchtower fantasy I began to think deeply about Jesus/Jehovah/The Bible/Religion/Christianity. I discovered them all to be total fabrications, designed to hold my fancy, distract me from life and living, and to mesmerize my thinking around conceptual unrealities, unprovable substantiations.

    When one thinks about it: There is absolutely no more proof that Jesus lives in heaven waiting to 'bless' his servants with eternal salvation than there is in the belief that Santa Claus is going to fly thru the skies on Christmas Eve on a sleigh pulled by reindeer to deliver presents to all the good boys and girls. In fact, SC is in a sense, less fantasy than Jesus. Presents are delivered, sleigh bells do ring in the night. And the fantasy of all that is dispelled as the child ages with no discernable damage in most cases. Jesus never shows. Everyone waits for centuries and millenia. He doesn't come. He never will.

    The fantasy of Santa was probably created by real life exploits of real persons - St Nick et al. Jesus' legend was probably perpetrated by early zealous men who wanted freedom from oppressive government - and who genuinely believed that a 'messiah' was imminent.

    The Jesus Fantasy is far more dangerous though. Billions of years of life have been wasted in that fantasy - oh I know you Christians will take me to task for that statement - but not one shred of evidence exists that eternal life awaits faithful followers of this man who lived and died, convicted of treason against Rome, now about 2000 years ago.

    Interesting irony here, that it was not my being taught about Santa that lead to my eventual questioning of Jesus. It was my beginning to think about Santa [and beer and love and books of all sorts and careers, etc] that lead to my doubting of Jesus over time.

    I guess the Society had a point: Break one set of fantasies - and one is destined to examine all the others with greater care.

    Ho Ho Ho - Merry Christmas to all.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Just as Coca Cola marketing convinced the world that Santa was dressed in red, many of us have/had a WTS view of what Jesus must have been like. Just to name one aspect, Jesus never went on a door-to-door campaign and told his followers not to be going into the homes of unbelievers but to stay with the bretheren.

  • BabaYaga

    I hear ya, Jeff. The scriptures pertaining to Jesus were written DECADES after the man lived (at the earliest!) so the likelihood that anyone writing the books actually had any contact with Jesus the man is very slim indeed.

    I have gone over this in my mind and heart many times. I have very peculiar attitudes about it. I finally realized that it didn't matter if Jesus really lived or not. I'm okay with that, and it does not affect my actions or my belief in a higher consciousness.

    Incidently, I also purchased the book "The Jesus Puzzle" with the subtitle "Did Christianity Begin with a Mythical Christ? : Challenging the Existence of an Historical Jesus" but have not read it yet... it sits on my shelf. I think I decided that even though historical evidence may exist that proves to some Jesus did not exist, I might find it interesting but it will not effect what I feel today. I'm okay with it either way.

  • DrJohnStMark

    And theology is merely arguing about the color of the nose of Rudolf the Reindeer.

  • Perry

    and the hundreds that saw him resurrected?

    and the millions that testify to him living inside of them?

    When did eye-witness testimony stop being used as evidence in court?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Perry, there are stories of many more people seeing Santa than there are of people seeing JC. It doesn't hold water.
    Millions testify that Santa brought toys to the children.

  • Perry

    Where are these millions of testimonies regarding Santa [the real one who flies] OTWO?

  • DrJohnStMark

    The testimonies regarding Jesus are no more valid in court than those regarding Santa Claus.

    People believing in Jesus or Santa Claus are often very sincere and they are often (like) children (Mt.18:3). But people not believing in Jesus or Santa Claus are no less sincere.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Where are these millions of testimonies regarding Santa [the real one who flies] OTWO?

    I heard it on the news when they cut to the weather satellite.

    I am not even going to argue about Jesus living inside of people or calling them out today.
    If it were so, then preaching about him is a waste of time. He'll call me when I am ready.

  • glenster

    I have friends who do or don't believe in God--I just don't like it if either
    get 'centric about it. Taken to the extreme, that's the real danger as many of
    either kind have shown. Whichever you pick, "proof" or "lie" about God is a
    forced choice that's unfriendly regarding the believer and disrespects what they
    actually do. There's knowing or not that you're doing something in faith in a
    possible God.

    The extremists on either end have more in common than they realize--trying to
    prove there's a God by saying they'll show you the ark of animals or digging in
    the hill to analyze the animal fossils and prove there isn't. It's like they're
    both trying to watch the sun come up by staring intently into the west. It's a
    faith matter.

    If either hurts anyone, I'm with you in being against it. But you want to
    guard against joining the 'centric ones of either group. They're the ones that
    really waste your life.


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