Where are these millions of testimonies regarding Santa [the real one who flies] OTWO?
I have heard about the 'testimonies' [and heard some of them] regarding Jesus 'in the heart' and so on. Not a single one of them can show anything beyond 'a feeling' to prove it. Both Santa and the Flying Spaghetti Monster have as much credence don't they? The only difference with the Jesus myth is that it has endured longer. Somewhere around 3800 both Santa and the FSM will have had two millenia in order for followers to get all the books written and the legends secure.
My point is that none of the above carry any water. All lack significant 'evidence' of a real sort to defend the myth. As such, they would not be considered 'beyond a shadow of a doubt' in any court. Jesus' legend looses a lot of steam among those who examine the so called 'word of God' at times because of the inconsistencies and inaccuracies that predominate that holy writ. The letter of recommendation is suspect, therefore the bearer of the letter.
Everyone today understands that both Santa and the FSM are just figments. In 2000 years it might be a different story - and when they uncover the ruins of our society, Santa music might just exceed Jesus music. With all the evidence at hand it just might be that many followers will begin to have Santa in their hearts, and feeling little hoof falls as proof.
BTW - just a little tongue in cheek, Perry. But, facts is facts.