Comparing Jesus and Santa

by AK - Jeff 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Where are these millions of testimonies regarding Santa [the real one who flies] OTWO?

    I have heard about the 'testimonies' [and heard some of them] regarding Jesus 'in the heart' and so on. Not a single one of them can show anything beyond 'a feeling' to prove it. Both Santa and the Flying Spaghetti Monster have as much credence don't they? The only difference with the Jesus myth is that it has endured longer. Somewhere around 3800 both Santa and the FSM will have had two millenia in order for followers to get all the books written and the legends secure.

    My point is that none of the above carry any water. All lack significant 'evidence' of a real sort to defend the myth. As such, they would not be considered 'beyond a shadow of a doubt' in any court. Jesus' legend looses a lot of steam among those who examine the so called 'word of God' at times because of the inconsistencies and inaccuracies that predominate that holy writ. The letter of recommendation is suspect, therefore the bearer of the letter.

    Everyone today understands that both Santa and the FSM are just figments. In 2000 years it might be a different story - and when they uncover the ruins of our society, Santa music might just exceed Jesus music. With all the evidence at hand it just might be that many followers will begin to have Santa in their hearts, and feeling little hoof falls as proof.


    BTW - just a little tongue in cheek, Perry. But, facts is facts.

  • DrJohnStMark

    I have nothing against pure faith per se, but I do have something against faulty logic... too many of us here have felt the consequences. From this point of view, it may be useful to compare some religious arguments, like the ones propagated by the Watchtower Society, with such as those concerning Santa Claus.

    The question on whether or not there is historical evidence on Jesus Christ, should in the end be irrelevant for those with pure faith. But it is not irrelevant to the Watchtower Society. The desperate need of the Society to show 'evidence' on everything results from their need to be able to condemn everyone not believing them.

    The argument by Paul in Rm.1:20 that "the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made" may have been reasonable 2000 yrs ago. Paul probably had not learned about evolution at school, so I wouldn't blame him much, even if by the present-day standards his argument is faulty.

    In science (or in court) there is a generally accepted methodology to find evidence, in religion there is not. I cannot scientifically prove that a god does not exist. But then, for science that question is irrelevant.

    I talk to Santa Claus once a year or so, but not to Jesus Christ any more.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Comparing Jesus and Santa:

    Very soon, Santa will return and deliver presents to millions of children!

    Very soon, Jesus will return and slaughter millions of children.

    Did I leave anything out?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Comparing Jesus to Santa:

    Santa lives at the North Pole.

    Jesus lives inside people.

  • Chalam

    I testify that Jesus is alive and well :)

    I testify that Santa is pure fiction.



  • Lillith26
    I talk to Santa Claus once a year

    Once a year I am Santa!

    Tip- dont drink too much of the wine left out for 'Santa' before filling the stockings and wrapping last minute gifts while the kids are asleep.... 4 years ago my eldest son ended up with a barbie doll in his santa sack and my niece unwrapped her very first tonka truck! LOL

  • designs

    The Coca Cola Santa had pretty good art work, captured the essence of the jolly old guy.

    Drawings of Jesus are all over the place, something for everyone's taste I suppose. Byzantine symmetrical, Nordic blond, Hollywood hunk, Effeminate and frail, African, short hair long hair. The itinerant rabbi who tried to do some good got lost in the publicity machine pretty quick.

  • WTWizard

    Yes, the Jesus that religion teaches about is a lie. The real Jesus tried to set us free from God, and died trying. Religion makes the story that he died faithful to God, and that his death created a ransom for our "sins". Islam religions use Jesus as a prophet, but Muhammed is the greater prophet and we need to directly approach Allah for our "sins".

    And, the Jesus that the Washtowel teaches about is a whopper lie. According to the Washtowel, everything Jesus did was what Jehovah told him to. They have no proof--in fact, they alter the Bible to make it fit their viewpoint of Jesus being in perfect submission to God, not as God Himself or as one that is independent of God.

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