"The anti-western intellectual cranks of the left suffered a collective breakdown when communism collapsed. Climate change is their new theology... Climate change is being used to impose an anti-human utopia as deadly as anything conceived by Stalin or Mao."
Bloodbath to follow.
For the rest of us, the fight is joined. The globalists have thrown their best punches while we played rope-a-dope. Even before the Climategate scandal broke, they were running out of gas. Their gloves were heavy. A global agreement to supposedly cut carbon emissions, if you believed what the media told you (I don't), was already in jeopardy prior to the release of the hacked emails. These revelations are a flurry of knockout blows, if only we're able to break through the media blackout and propaganda protecting these criminals from being fully exposed. The media will not be our ally in this.
The globalists, are in this for the long haul. All of their eggs are in the climate hoax basket. They're not going to stop now. Why would they? We all know this was never about climate change in the first place. We knew that they knew that it was the sun driving the climate, and that temperatures haven't risen in at least ten years. If this were about saving the Earth - if they truly were not evil, just wrong, as the newest documentary naively suggests - then the climate scientists would've packed it in a long time ago.
No, what this is and always was about is an excuse for global government. This they certainly do not deny. Ban Ki-Moon, the UN Secretary General, penned an op-ed in the New York Times last month in which he called for a global government funded by carbon taxes. The new president of the European Union, Herman van Rompuy,
that 2009 was the first year of global governance, and that the Copenhagen climate conference would be "another step towards the global management of our planet". In July, Al Gore spoke at Oxford University and stated that global governance, funded by the Waxman-Markey cap and trade tax which will be voted upon in the Senate within the coming weeks, is necessary for combating "climate change".The globalist plan for world government - the elimination of national sovereignty, ie the destruction of the United States of America is also furthered by other agendas designed to blur the line between church and state ie. homosexual marriage, abortion. etc.
As these ruthless globalists push their new dogma they will continue to bully and paint conservatives (mostly Christians in the West) as Extremists.
Read Rules for Radicals if you want to understand their play-book. Ridicule is the weapon of choice.
This is not a Democratic wing vs. Republican wing issue. It is the Globalists against lovers of freedom from all stripes.