Climate Change The New Catalyst For Globalists/Communist Utopia

by Perry 372 Replies latest members politics

  • BizzyBee

    Perry, your quote from British National Party leader Nick Griffin, is very revealing.

    Griffin is also a promoter and active fan of

    • white power skin heads
    • racism
    • Fascism
    • feudalism
    • holocaust denial
    • anti-semitism
    • anti-homosexualism
    • Louis Farrakhan
    • Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi
    • Ayatollah Khomeini

    He has been arrested and served time in jail for distribution of racist literature and attempting to foment racial upheaval.

    Nice company you keep.

  • BurnTheShips
    Climate Change The New Catalyst For Globalists/Communist Utopia

    Former Science Advisor to UK's Prime Minister:

    Communism for Countries. The environmentalist movement is hijacked by ideologies of the extreme left.

    Fortunately, ClimateGate has put the final nails in the coffin for any possibilities that HopenChangen 2009 doing any serious damage.


  • BurnTheShips
    [This is an update of Fig. 1A in Hansen et al. (2006)] January-September (9 months) mean is used for 2009 data.

    NASA's resident warm monger James Hansen has been served.

    The trial lawyers will be lined up for blocks to get a piece of NASA if there's evidence that they were part of the ClimateGate fraud. I suspect that almost every business in the US could possibly establish some level of financial damage due to federal greenhouse gas regulations that were based partly on NASA's climate data, if they prove to be fraudulent.


    Do you think it's just a coincidence that the alleged hackers struck just days before the Hopenchangen conference? Do this really the work of a couple of geeks just having a kick? Or do you think that a few concerned individuals, maybe in an intelligence agency that fully understood how much economic damage global warming regulations would cause, decided to take matters into their own hands for the good of the world?

  • hamilcarr

    How much do you know about van Rampuy?

    He's been prime minister of my country. He's a devout catholic who opposed leftist thoughts. As most European center-right politicians, he's in favour of the Lisbon treaty but against accession of Turkey to the EU. One of his most popular books was titled Christianity, A modern thought (only available in Dutch) in which he characterizes himself as a staunch christian conservative.

  • daniel-p

    Perry, like many paranoid delusional types, exists most happily on the Internet, where he can seek out the confirmation of his delusions among his own kind, converging on the things that alienate them from the real sector of society.

  • daniel-p

    Or do you think that a few concerned individuals, maybe in an intelligence agency that fully understood how much economic damage global warming regulations would cause, decided to take matters into their own hands for the good of the world?

    I thought you were smart enough to not fall for this kind of stuff, Burns. Apparently your agenda supercedes all perception. Have fun talking into the air, waging your war of words!

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    The globalist plan for world government - the elimination of national sovereignty, ie the destruction of the United States of America

    Nonsense. There are many theoretical hypotheses in which national sovereignty is not eliminated. Many envision the creation of concurrent jurisdictions, just as the uniting of the states in Northern American into the US of A did not eliminate state sovereignty but created concurrent heirarchical levels of overlapping jurisdictions.

  • BizzyBee

    "Lord" Monckton (in BTS' video above) is neither a Lord nor a climate expert. He has no scientific training whatsoever. He is a right-wing political extremist with an agenda.

  • llbh

    Lord Monkton is a Lord and an Hereditary Lord at that! Sorry BB, though I do not share his views. His degree was in Classics, and has worked for the right wing press here. How he gets to be scientific advisor amazes me, probably old boy network, it certainly is not due to any peer reviewed scientific papers he has had published. BTS by citing you diminish your argument.

    Hammilcarr, i forgot you were Belgian, sorry. As for Turkey I personally think that they should be embraced gently, but warmly embraced into Europe, but that is a whole other debate.

    And as for invoking Nick Griffin, you must be desperate, the man is an utter buffoon, though with quite pernicious and odious views.

    If the anti climate change dudes carry on like this even more hot air will be produced.


  • Priest73
    "Lord" Monckton (in BTS' video above) is neither a Lord nor a climate expert.
    Lord Monkton is a Lord and an Hereditary Lord at that!


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