Science Fiction recommendations

by JeffT 38 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Robdar

    The White Plague by Frank Herbert Product Description (ISBN 0765317737, Paperback)

    What if women were an endangered species?It begins in Ireland, but soon spreads throughout the entire world: a virulent new disease expressly designed to target only women. As fully half of the human race dies off at a frightening pace and life on Earth faces extinction, panicked people and governments struggle to cope with the global crisis. Infected areas are quarantined or burned to the ground. The few surviving women are locked away in hidden reserves, while frantic doctors and scientists race to find a cure. Anarchy and violence consume the planet.

    The plague is the work of a solitary individual who calls himself the Madman. As government security forces feverishly hunt for the renegade scientist, he wanders incognito through a world that will never be the same. Society, religion, and morality are all irrevocably transformed by the White Plague.

  • Gordy

    When I was younger I read all the "Lensman" seriies by E.E. "Doc" Smith.

    I would like to read them again

    But have never been able to find them since

  • blondie
  • Twitch

    I was hooked on the Dune series

    God Emperor of Dune was a bit dry but fascinating, captain,.....

  • OnTheWayOut

    If you want to read some of the best RAH (Robert A. Heinlein) then you have to read:

    Job, A comedy of Justice:

    The series of books on Lazarus Long: Methuselah's Children, Time Enough for Love, The Number of the Beast (There are more, google it.)

    You certainly have not read RAH until you read Stranger in a Strange Land:

  • VoidEater

    Stranger in a Strange Land by RAH. You already have Moon is a Harsh Mistress. The Past Though Tomorrow is his definitive short collection.

    Peter F. Hamilton: especially Night's Dawn Trilogy -, but the Greg Mandel books are fun, too. (OK, count this as just another vote)

    Octavia Butler, anything, though it's heavy on sociology rather than hard science. Akin to Ursula Le Guin.

    Another vote for Niven's Ringworld.

    Greg Bear's Darwin's Radio and Darwin's Children.

    Any of the collected shorts by PKD (Phillip K. Dick). Avoid the novels unless your just into general mind warpage, and Ellison usually does it somewhat better IMHO.

    Asimov's Robot Series, start with The Caves of Steel, go on from there if like. The Gods Themselves is a nice adjunct to these, completely not Robots but an extension of theme.

    Another vote for Clarke's Childhood's End, and also Rondezvous with Rama.

    The equivelant of fine wine: anything by James Tiptree Jr. (Alice Sheldon) or A. E. Van Vogt.

    On the edge of fantasy: The Amber series by Zelazny; for that old-time British flavor: Wyndham's Day of the Triffids or Midwich Cuckoos.

    Any short collection edited by Groff Conklin, you cannot go wrong.

  • Gordy

    Thanks Blondie

  • Gregor

    Never been a Sci-Fi fan but recently read the Dan Simmons horror novels, The Terror and Song of Kali which have a supernatural element to them. I am now into another, Summer of Night. He creates an atmosphere that stays with you.

  • daniel-p

    Dune is a must-read... probably my favorite SF book of all time.

    I also like Asimov, of course,with the Foundation Trilogy being the best of his stuff, in my opinion.

    Also Larry Niven who wrote Ringworld, which is great.

    Arkady and Boris Strugatsky are awesome and a great intro to Soviet-era SF literature.My favorite of theirs is Definitely Maybe.

    And of course Heinlein is a must read, with his most popular being Stranger in a Strange Land.

    I think everyone should read The Martian Chronicles by Bradbury regardless of whether youre a SF fan--very "human" stories.

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