First Ever JW to attend ETON College. Boy's father steps down as MS.

by ThomasCovenant 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • ThomasCovenant

    Eton College is possibly the most famous public school in the world and they have recently accepted their first ever Jehovah's Witness. The link above is a local news item.

    I am reliably informed that the boy's father 'stepped down' from his 'position' of Ministerial Servant as some in the local congregation were not too happy with the example being set.

  • snowbird

    This is great news!

    There are about four threads on here about the young lady from Kentucky, raised a JW, who won a Rhodes Scholarship.

    Must be something blowing in the wind.

    Be very afraid, WT.



  • Finally-Free
    I am reliably informed that the boy's father 'stepped down' from his 'position' of Ministerial Servant as some in the local congregation were not too happy with the example being set.

    I see 2 positive things happening here. The kid gets an education and dad no longer has to kiss elder ass or "enjoy" other "privileges".


  • Gayle

    Wasn't there a letter to elders and ministerial servants only within this last year (not for to be read to the congregation) , that if any of the children of elders or ministerial servants going on to college that the elder/ministerial servant may/would be removed? Any copy of that letter?

  • creativhoney

    father: Stephen Harries, director of development at the University Hospital of Wales

    not exactly a window cleaner anyway..

  • zarco

    Gayle - the letter was read at the BOE meeting with the CO. It presented a couple of scenarios to determine if an appointed brother was setting a good or bad example. I don't have a copy of the letter. But as you would expect the good example had the young person auxiliary pioneering and attending school part time and the bad example had the young person not fully involved with the congregation and attending school full time, possibly living in the dorms. The appointed brother in the "bad" scenario would no longer qualify.


  • minimus

    I praise the family that supports secular education!

  • llbh

    This is good news for the child, however it so indicative of the high control mind numbing, literal and metaphorical attitude of jw's.


  • flipper

    The father and mother should be very proud of the young man. And so should the congregation and Bethel. Although they won't. If I had been the father I would NOT have stepped down as an MS. I wouldn't have played the WT's game. I'd force them to delete me ! Of course, that's just me - Mr. Rebel to prove my point. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    If anyone has a copy of that letter that zarco was talking about, I'd sure appreciate your letting me know. I asked my brother-in-law (a life-long Witness and currently the COBOE of his congregation) about it and he said he never heard of such a letter and did not believe it ever existed. They had just had a CO visit when I heard about the letter on JWN, so I thought for sure it would come up on the next go-around. He's had at least 3 Circuit Overseer visits since then and still denies it.

    There was a Spanish version (with translation) on this site, but I never did see an English version. If I could present him with one, I believe I'd score valuable points and maybe get to show him other things I have told him about but he couldn't believe. By the way, he is absolutely honest and if he says he didn't see or hear about such a letter, I believe him. If he had seen it but been "sworn to secrecy," he would have just simply said he couldn't discuss it. He would NOT have denied that it existed.

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