WTBS uses what church had successfully been using for centuries. They just evolved it into more 'sophisticated' method, they keep 'educating' their patrons constantly through weekly meetings etc. leaving them in perpetual state of amnesia. It is a half-hypnotic state in which they willingly surrender their powers of reason for a fantasy. "Study" they are doing to "deepen" their "accurate knowledge" is in effect complete reprogramming of human mind almost as effective as reprogramming of a computer. So effective that people subjected to that are in fact convinced that inculcated information they have been fed with has in fact been acquired through their own reasoning powers. Little do they know that methods in which information has been fed have been used by hypnotists, mind-slayers, expert salesmen and advertisers for a very, very long time. In fact even methods used to preach to others from house to house, e.g. how to overcome objections etc are textbook examples of conversational hypnosis pioneered by Milton Erickson, albeit for more sinister purposes i.e. slipping suggestions during conversation with a person that take advantage of their brain laziness and other weaknesses.
The saddest part of it is what all of that does to young ones and those born into the religion. Being exposed to such mind-numbing from very early beginnings and during their formative years. So much so that even after abandoning doctrinal tenets of wtbs religion persons still retain cognitive-framework i.e. methods of how things are analyzed, tendency toward fuzzy, fantasy-inclined thinking and methods of acquiring "facts", reliance on stereotypical conclusions, reliance on gut feeling (never mind it has been systematically numbed during the most important years), jumping on conclusion before seeing real facts, seeking only information and people who agree with their worldview, retraction to inner world of fantasy e.g. when things they are hearing do not agree with their worldview, run back "inland" where it "feels safe" or to company of those who will pat you on the back, etc, etc all the key signs of brain laziness. As sad as it is, such people are so prone to mind manipulation methods of different kinds that one little wonder why lives of many still suck, to put it bluntly.
Now introducing real tertiary level study to such state is a wake up call of the highest order. Education demands use of brain more than use of the mouth. Things have to fit, they have to have an explanation. What was black yesterday can't suddenly become white today and vice versa, there is no present truth that is fundamentally different from what you knew and believed yesterday was true. Let alone that you can just accept it at the drop of a hat, your gut feeling or your trust in the authority.
In fact, you learn early on that things are often NOT what eyes can see and ears can hear. (one cute fact you learn early on is that precisely because of "what eyes can see and ears can hear" is why magicians and actors are so successful, they call it - misdirection.)
Introducing the real education makes one see through cute acts and makes them demand the real reasons, real facts and what it is that is at the heart of the matter. They can't be easily fooled by presentation, performance and twisting of the words so often used by mind-manipulators to confuse the mind of the listener and put it into overdrive where it feels discouraged from further perusing of what's really behind.