How Good Was/Is Your Singing Of The Kingdom Songs?

by finallysomepride 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I was a good singer, but some of those songs were simply un-singable. I actually have a musical background, taking music all 12 years in school. My mom played the piano for years since childhood for the Khall and could sing and play at the same time. I could never do that. I mastered 2 songs in the new 1984 song book. Yes, I've visited other churches and those old hymns were performed horribly. The Assembly of God Church did them ALL right, though. That place rocked!

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    I am without a doubt the very best singer out of everyone present in the....







  • fokyc
    Freddo said: FOKYC - I can only surmise that your congregation is a "market town" (with market town mentality) from the Midlands/South West England or possibly the Welsh marches with two opinionated elders on the service committee that rule the roost! I can just see them getting together to write to bethel and working out every last "unchristian" thing that they can say about you. They think they are so immune that even data protection doesn't matter to them until it bites them in the rear!

    You are SO accurate it is quite unbelievable!

    One small error, it should be 2 elders on the service committer PLUS one other!

    I did obtain the letter under the Data protection legislation!


  • straightshooter

    I am a horrible singer. Some jws would move to another spot instead of being in front of me and my off-tune singing.

  • BluesBrother

    RUBBISH - My wife would collapse in giggles if we shared a songbook.

    Mind you, when other churches encourage good music with choirs and Music Directors, the WTS discourages drawing attention to yourself by singing well, or having any specialist choirs. Their favourite expression on the subject was " God created both the nightjar and the songbird, and they both sound good to him"

    It is no wonder that the singing is bad in K Halls. Right now they might have some singing practice with the new songbook..but once they get used to them the songs are just performed perfunctorily with no thought or meaning

    FREDDO..I know that expresssion allright "Market Town mentality" There must be a lot of them.....

  • AnnOMaly

    I always liked singing. I liked the more challenging KSs even though a first-thing-on-a-Sunday-morning voice couldn't always manage the high notes.

  • JWoods

    I would say about as good as Lee Marvin and Clint Eastwood doing that number in Paint Your Wagon.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Here's a few things I've done to ease the pain of Kingdom Maladies over the years:

    1. Adopt a twangy US Southern Country accent and hold your personal volume level right at the threshold of detection to those around you.

    2. Same as above only do an Elvis Presley impersonation.

    3. Same as above only impersonate another extra-loud singer in the KH. We've got one wannabe female opera singer who always uses a very obnoxious vibratto. We've also got a Luciano Pavarotti. He's actually quite good, but his volume level is so high he screams "LOOK AT ME" with every note.

    4. Rewrite the lyrics on the fly and insert your alternate version. Again right at the level of detection by your neighbors.


    Original: "God is love, and therefore bids us walk in love's excelling way."

    Very subtle alternate: "God is love, and there FORBIDS us walk in love's excelling way."

    My wife has been doing downright apostate lyrics as of late. She's gonna land us in the back room methinks.


  • Gayle

    Most songs were so uninspiring......intonations of death. Definitely not joyful.

  • dig692

    i cant sing to save my life. so i always just moved my lips.

    lol @ openmind

    We've got one wannabe female opera singer who always uses a very obnoxious vibratto.

    We have one of those too, way off key, and who messes up the words and fumbles everyone else! Very irritating

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