my first real birthday party

by SnakesInTheTower 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • SnakesInTheTower

    Well, today is my birthday and I will be getting a real cake with a real candle - my dear bride-to-be promised not to put 43 candles on the cake.

    It is just going to be me, her, and her 8 year old (and soon to be my step) son. Nothing fancy. She is getting me my "big" gift for Christmas. I told her I was happy just having the two of them. Gifts not necessary. So we went to Best Buy the other day. The only thing she will tell me is it is a digital camera . I had to know that because I am next to impossible to buy for and she knows nothing about gadgets and didnt want the salesman to sell her something I don't need and costs too much. See... I don't need or want much, that is unless I win the lottery, then I am getting some electronic toys, but I digress.

    So ... we already did her birthday back in October...mine is today. She is taking me out to dinner Saturday night after work.

    Anyway...will post more..she is getting home now from the store...

    Snakes (Rich )

  • dig692

    Happy 43rd (or rather 1st??) Birthday Snakes! I'm happy to hear that you will be sharing the time with your wife to be and step son to be. Enjoy your day and new camera!

  • carpediem

    Happy first birthday Snakes, and many more to come

  • Satanus

    Cool. Happy birthday. The first birthday party is the best. I still remember my first one, put on by my girlfriend, at the time.


  • feeling good
    feeling good

    Happy Happy Happy BIRTHDAY!!

    Enjoy your special day!!


  • LucyA

    Happy Birthday!

  • Ilovebirthdays

    Happy Birthday! I think a nice, small one is the way to go for your first.

    Since you're only one, I guess your fiancee really can say she's robbing the cradle.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Just be careful that nobody gets their head chopped off.

  • Dagney

    Ah Rich, I am so happy for you.

    Happy Birthday! And congratulations on everything in your life.

    We've come a long way baby!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Happy 1st Birthday, Snakes!

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