Lately I did a lot of reading regarding the UN scandal, the org being a NGO for 10 years
I tried to read both sides, the comments on, as well as the defense at
and then the endless discussion on between thirdwitness and alanF and others.
While I am sure, the way the org handled the whole situation, especially after the article in the guardian, was plain wrong, instead of openly confessing a mistake, it was done secretely and only after inquiry, and made it look like a cover-up.
However, considering the whole issue, I think it comes down to one question:
let me explain:
Acc. to our interpretation of the bible, in the future God will destroy false relgion, governments and the wild beast (UN)
so all those institutions will be enemies of God.
Jesus told his followers to be no part of the world, however, he does not take them from the world, so this means, Christians have to have cetrain dealings with the world and all its institutions.
The question is: How far can these dealings go, without being defiled by the world ?
or on other words: To what extent can a Christian be involved in worldy affairs, and at the same time supporting the kingdom ?
I will look at some areas, 1th century, and today, how things concerning this world are handled:
1) first Christians:
Paul explained in Romans 13, that ChristÃans have to obey the superior authorities (pay taxes, etc)
Paul also gave the example of establishing legally the good news, he made use of the legal system of the Roman world.
He appealed to caesar for example. He enjoyed protection from Roman soldiers. He repsected people in authority.
However, he stayed neutral in political affairs.
2) Today,
Christians pay their taxes, even benefit from governmental programs.
Some Christians work for the government, end this may require of them, to pledge support of some sort, even give an oath or simlar things.
They will not participate actively in politics though.
Same with false religion, while not suppirting false worship, some may have no objection in visiting churches, even to pay for entrance , knowing their money may be used to upkeep the pagan buildings.
They say: I do not support false worship, I just make business, I want something from them (visit a church, buy some itmes) , so I give in exchange. Its business, not support.
So here it comes to the affiliation with the UN:
Was it wrong for the WTS to become an NGO, in order to benefit from UN (maybe not the stupid library argument, but maybe to help legally establish the good news )
Does it mean, the WTS supported the political course of the UN, or was it just a "bunsiness deal", like I give something for gettiung soemthing ?
Like somebody benefits from governmental programs, even though all the governments are in satans hand ?
I am not an apologist, I just try to put things in the right perspective.
Sure, there is lot of discussion, how much support for the UN was required from the WTS to become an NGO. After reading hours of material from both sides, the whole issue is rather a bit blurry.
Or should we ask another question: Is becoming an NGO associating with the UN one of the ways to legally establish the good news ?(like Pauls example, this may include "friendly" terms with Satans organisation) or is it friendship with this world, that is condemned in Gods word ?
Just some thoughts, maybe I am completely on the wrong track, so please share your ideas.
I am open for any correction, and welcome any input.