So, is the Bible REALLY the infallible (or any other) "word" of God?

by AGuest 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest
  • AGuest

    I especially love the following quotes:

    "The project, an online effort to create a Bible suitable for contemporary conservative sensibilities, claims Jesus' quote is a disputed addition abetted by liberal biblical scholars, even if it appears in some form in almost every translation of the Bible."

    "The project's authors argue that contemporary scholars have inserted liberal views and ahistorical passages into the Bible..."

    "In some ways, the Conservative Bible Project reflects an ancient debate over Scripture. The Bible as it's known today more or less took final shape in the 4th century after hundreds of years of debate over which books were canonical."

    "The debate flared up again during the Protestant Reformation, when Martin Luther fruitlessly yearned to cut the Book of James because of its fairly explicit contradiction of his belief that salvation could be attained by faith alone."

    "Virtually everyone in a mainstream Protestant or Roman Catholic church in the United States is reading a doctored version of the Bible." - Philip Jenkins, a professor of history and religious studies at Pennsylvania State University

    "... there's a long tradition of the liberal twisting of scripture... Scholars have rightly deemed those translations illegitimate...."

    "The Bible's roots in a dizzying variety of ancient manuscripts ... , said the Rev. Frank Matera, a professor at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., and a former president of the Catholic Biblical Association of America. 'There's a little Italian proverb, 'Every translator is a traitor,'" Matera said. "Most Bible translations are usually done by a group of scholars, precisely so they can balance out each other."

    {Shaking head sadly} Good Lord. Talk about your "muddied water." Contain WORMWOOD... every one of them. But, for those who wish to imbibe... I say, go ahead: "drink." For those who want LIVING water, however, I say to you... as the SPIRIT, along with the Bride KEEP saying:

    "Come! Take life's water... the holy spirit that is poured out from the innermost parts of the Holy One of Israel, my Lord and Master, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... and His Holy Spirit... FREE!"

    There is no book to read. There is no version to prefer. There is ONLY pure... unadulterated... truth and spirit. Nothing more. And... it is FREE! No publisher makes a profit. No scholarly group receives credit. It's just you... and him.

    May those with ears HEAR... and get the SENSE of it.

    I bid you peace!

    A slave of Christ,


  • SixofNine

    You've indicated that your words when you tell us what Jesus told you are the infallible word of God.

  • garyneal


    If you are referring to translations of the Bible, I would definitely agree that there is some biases in all of them. I read an article today concerning the 'conservative' bible and at the end of the article, someone commented on how good translations often have a lot of scholars working on it as to balance out the biases. It made me think of the NWT committee and how a few people translated the Bible for the NWT.

  • garyneal


    I noticed you posted that there is no book to read, assuming that all of your inspiration comes directly from God. Have you even been concerned that some of that inspiration may not have come from God? Personally, I envy you in that you really feel (and perhaps even have) such a direct relationship like that but I do feel a sense of caution since the Bible warns us not to trust every divine expression (spirit) but to test it to see if it is of God.

  • Pistoff

    The bible and its fundamental/conservative defenders are the textbook definition of echo chamber thinking.

    Why did the early christians believe the OT? Their parents and mentors did.

    Why did their mentors and parents believe it? THEIR mentors and parents did.

    Modern textual criticism and archaeology have debunked the idea that anyone should take the bible literally; the writers did not.

    The bible, the torah and the koran are books that should be regarded as literature, and ONE take on spirituality; they should not be taken literally as telling the story of a god who gave a section of land to one people.

    The bible is NOT the word of god; heaven forbid. That would mean that the creator of heaven and earth cares if I have a foreskin, thinks that women are unclean during their period and that eating pork means you should be killed.

    Wake up, Aguest; it is a symbol, a metaphor, the story of a people who tried to understand the terrible things that happened to them.

  • frankiespeakin


    I like your sited material it tells it like it is but your conclusion need a little work

    Come! Take life's water... the holy spirit that is poured out from the innermost parts of the Holy One of Israel, my Lord and Master, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... and His Holy Spirit... FREE!" There is no book to read. There is no version to prefer

    I'm afraid you are just offering more of the same garbage that the bible offers and it almost sounds exactly the same except the names have been changed.

  • AGuest

    What is up with the formatting these days??

  • AGuest

    Strange formatting "issues"....

  • AGuest

    Please see here for responses:

    Peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


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