If this has been posted, then I missed it..
QFR..Feb 15 2010. RE Shared Living Accommodation??
by BluesBrother 59 Replies latest watchtower bible
=="It is not our business.......HOWEVER....please take the following "suggestions" as gospel...or else!"==
Pure doublespeak.
I especially liked the line of those that are divorced but still living together as being wrong.
Let's see, you are committing fornication if you screw someone when unmarried, as you are not following "Caesar's Law" (LEGAL marriages), yet,
Caesar's Law (LEGAL divorces) don't count. (still married in GOD's eyes). Hmmmmmm.
So, are you married or not?
They can't have it both ways.
Also, regarding the citing of (Proverbs 22:3) - Shrewd is the one that has seen the calamity and proceeds to conceal himself, but the inexperienced have passed along and must suffer the penalty.
Huh? This could apply to ANYTHING , just like a Horoscope.
Yea, far be it from us to dictate to you what you do, but let us heavily imply just that. Dictate........Imply with underlining threats....dictate.....whats the difference.
Just a bunch o shit, different day.
Also, I'd like to add that I've not read anything recent, for the exact reason that it fired me up, but I read this article (the scan, here) and it really was so very clear. I can already tell I will have a difficult time expressing what I wish to convey, so bear with me.
The tone in which they write is condescending, but also on a surface level we know its a writer who is making this article, but it's subliminally written as if it's the GB speaking directly to us. There are comments which imply that we DO know something and DO agree with something, and that's the way it should be. And if we DON'T agree with it? Then the feeling is there that you aren't worthy, or subpar, or beneath acceptable to be in line with Jehovahs standards. Example: Little Johnny, you KNOW that your father and I like for you to keep your room clean, and you are a happy boy when it's clean and your parents are pleased with you. So you know what to do, and what will happen if you don't straighten up"
We've got the parents telling the kid he already clearly has this concept (and if he doesn't he's just stupid)....then there is the threat of what happens if he doesn't step in line (the you know what will happen if you don't straighten up)....also the subtle mentioning of others emotions being controlled by Little Johnny. It's manipulative, it's condescending, it's controlling, and it's pious. I can't stand any of it.
I'm shutting up now.
"A person's economic circumstances..."
I notice they take no responsibility for the fact that WTBS doctrine regarding education may be a major factor in those circumstances.
the GB is taking a very dangerous tack with this one, it could rule against Co's and their wives staying with other people, in fact it could rule out anybody staying with anybody ever again! Because they might be seized with a sudden desire for sex(!)
This really annoys me, as a not witness (never was), my family will not stay over night even though they live a long way away. Apparently it is immoral to live with my boyfriend as we are not married.I can't understand this. The old testiment was full of fornicating. Look at Solomon,Did God suddenly change his mind?
What about Bethel homes and missionary homes - shared living? "Stuff" happens there too.
Let me make sure I understand what the senile octaganerians are saying us.
"We firmly believe that none of you 'sheep' have any actual integrity, so you cannot be trusted to be in the same house with someone of the opposite sex without FUCKING THEIR BRAINS OUT AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY, so you better not live with anyone of the opposite sex that you are not married to".
Is that what they are saying?
Why yes, Happy Guy, I believe that IS what they are saying...well put
edmond dantes
What happens if you work all day, in fact day after day, week after week in an office with a member of the opposite sex, just the two of you and there's a very large cupboard handy. Should the cupboard be shunned or the couple admonished ?
Would those working arrangements be O.K. even on a night shift and in a rest home?