QFR..Feb 15 2010. RE Shared Living Accommodation??

by BluesBrother 59 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sir82

    Seems to me...

    The purpose of this article is not so much to handle incidents of "unchaperoned roommates". That situation is pretty rare in JW-dom, I think.

    I suspect the real purpose was to reinforce the peculiarly JW notion that any and all "worldly" people fornicate like horny rabbits with hormonal imbalances, at any and every opportunity, with multiple partners, of the same or opposite sex, and that any 2 people left alone for more than 5 minutes will tear each others' clothes off and copulate wherever they are - home, office, Walmart fitting room, you name it.

    This serves to reinforce the idea that the JW organization is a crystal clear beacon of light, so morally superior to "the world" that it simply must be God's organization.

  • sd-7

    Hmm. That's actually very insightful, Happy Guy. It would've been nice if the 'brothers' had listened to you. That would be in line with the real meaning of Jesus' words in Matthew 25 about looking after 'the least of these my brothers'. I can't imagine you're alone in feeling that way. Very true that often those in need are overlooked when the Society has more than enough resources to truly help them.


  • minimus

    The problem is that if a divorced couple stay and live in the same home, perhaps he lives in the basement, and they have this living arrangement because of the kids, then it's not "appropriate". Says God?? I see that as an interpretation not a rule.

    If a person owns a large house and decides to have renters to help pay the mortgage and utilities, the Organization has to get involved for their business situation? Give me a break!

  • minimus

    This is one example of why elders or anyone else has no business judging another Christian. At the end, I HATED being an elder and feeling obligated to enforce these manmade rules! (You know that if a person violates the spirit of these rules, it would be "inappropriate" to allow them "privileges").

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    To be a god or not that is the question,

    I always laugh when you read these staunch rules of immorality set out by god himself when the

    bible shows that god approved rape and murder of innocent people, even children.

    Fear and ignorance is what puts power into mens hands, then let fear and ignorance prevail

    Here we have some dumb uneducated assholes trying to play god with all of the accumulated power

    and trying their darnedest to emulate the identical social morals of an ancient culture that existed 2000 years ago

    In case anyone hasn't been to this site its worth a peek www.evilbible.com

  • cantleave

    This is one example of why elders or anyone else has no business judging another Christian. At the end, I HATED being an elder and feeling obligated to enforce these manmade rules! (You know that if a person violates the spirit of these rules, it would be "inappropriate" to allow them "privileges").

    I concur entirely.

  • hamsterbait

    And what are they assuming of the average Dub when they ask about if they find themselves alone together unexpectedly.

    OH YES YES - they think we all want to do what they want to do - rip off eachothers knickers and do the dirty dirty.

    No consideration as to whether you are mutually attracted. They think we are sex crazed dogs like they are.

    of course what if you are alone on the same floor of a hotel with somebody in another room?

    I am not condemning anybody for having a strong sex urge. What I hate is the way they pretend to be so clean minded, whilst placing ideas of what you should not be doing in everybody elses heads.


  • hamsterbait

    Who were the two christian women who insisted that Paul and his companion go and stay with them in Acts?

    Were they ever accidentally alone together?

    There is a warning there I think "They just made us come."


  • HappyGuy

    Lets do a little experiment. For the next, let's say one week, keep track of all the times that you are "unexpectedly" alone with someone of the opposite sex.

    In the elevator, in the little kitchen/break area at work, in the office, in the lobby at the hotel, wherever it might happen.

    I'm going to guess that anyone who is fairly active finds themselves "unexpectedly" alone with someone of the opposite sex at least once a day.

    Also keep a list of all the times that you had sex with that person.

    And let's see what the statistics are at the end of the week.

    If the Governing Body is correct, then I'm guessing the % of sexual encounters to being "unexpectedly" alone with a member of the opposite sex will be 50% or more.

    Now, to be fair make sure that you shower and wash your hair, men you need to shave and use deoderant, brush your teet, use mouthwash, dress nicely, shine your shoes before going out. We wouldn't want slovenly appearance or bad breath skewing the numbers unfairly.

  • hamsterbait

    Sixofnine -

    The subject of gay sex is broached on this issue in the "Flock" book. ANY brother or sister (straight or gay) can be disfellowshipped simply on the grounds of accepting overnight hospitality from a homosexual.

    They assume the dirty happened on a squeaky cot, even if neither party is interested.


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