Found this reference on a facebook lurk session, they were discussing that the king of the north is a changing identity. I have never heard that before. I always thought it was identified as russia and that the JW are just wrong. It seems they claim it's a changing identity. I am no longer familier with Daniels prophecy so, yes or no?
Please read the following article (which harmonizes with what is stated in the publication "Pay Attention To Daniel's Prophecy") and which says in part:
*** w93 11/1 p. 21 par. 12 The Final Victory of Michael, the Great Prince ***
So who is the king of the north now? Is he to be identified with one of the countries that were part of the old Soviet Union? Or is he changing identity completely, as he has a number of times before? We cannot say. Who will be the king of the north when Daniel 11:44,45 is fulfilled? Will the rivalry between the two kings flare up again? And what of the huge nuclear stockpiles that still exist in a number of lands? Only time will provide the answers to these questions.