king of the north... It changes?? never heard of that

by Aussie Oz 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Finally-Free

    I remember during the first Gulf War some JWs were speculating that Iraq or even Islam as a whole might be the new king of the north. I even had one elder ask me what I thought of his theory that the UN would be the new king of the north. Of course, no one else was around to hear his speculation. JWs have to be careful about thinking out loud.


  • cameo-d
  • Hopscotch

    Oz- Like finally free I remember the speculation about Islam possibly being the KOTN and also heard many say it could be the UN. It seems like many times it was whoever was America's enemy at the time.

    Outlaw - So you're a king now (albeit a tutu clad ballet dancing one!)


  • blondie
  • Gayle

    We cannot say.

    That is a comical quote from the w93 quote above. They say anything they want to say about everything. They've said a lot they shouldn't have said at all. They can just change anything they want to say, with their "new light" loophole.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    At least here on JWN we know for certain that the King of the North has always been, and will always be, Santa Clause!

    Here's the proof:

  • AllTimeJeff

    So who is the king of the north now? Is he to be identified with one of the countries that were part of the old Soviet Union? Or is he changing identity completely, as he has a number of times before? We cannot say. Who will be the king of the north when Daniel 11:44,45 is fulfilled? Will the rivalry between the two kings flare up again? And what of the huge nuclear stockpiles that still exist in a number of lands? Only time will provide the answers to these questions.

    Other questions: Is the king of the north identified with Oprah Winfrey? If Oprah is the new king of the north, what happens when her show is cancelled? What if Ellen Degeneris becomes the new king of the north? Will these two fight it out?

    Questions they have, answers they do not. They haven't touched this with a 10 ft pole in years, and it is all because they got this wrong too. Yet another prophecy totally blown.

  • dissed

    Are they any relation to the Wicked witch of the East and her sister the wicked witch of the West?

  • smiddy

    The green book "Your will be Done" published in the late 50`s had the kotn as USSR and the kots anglo/american powers,that book said we were at the end of daniels prophecy and that those two would bring on the great tribulation,followed by armageddon


  • gubberningbody

    I always thought the KOTN was at the end, that eighth king which sprang from the seven, the image of the Wild Beast the UN. That's the last one seen in Rev. given power by the conglomerate to act. I always thought it galactically stupid that they couldn't see that (at least accepting their own interpretations of the various variables in their peculiar theocratic mix).

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