The bible is made in a sense that only basics and the foundation can be taught. Beyond that, need holy spirit to get an understanding, and it's a training/gradual process. Involves reading much of it over and over and each time get new insight and instruction. It is impossible to teach one most of these things, which is also why Jesus used illustrations and didn't say everything in black and white. It's very hard to explain unless you go through it. What's really neat is when things you have never seen taught anywhere, your all of a sudden finding others throughout the world getting the same information/conclusions at the same time.
The annointed/elect AND holy spirit
by EndofMysteries 28 Replies latest watchtower bible
fortune cookies are a lot like that
Funny my sister inlaw is or beleves she is one of the "annointed" I spent many years doing auxillary pioneering together. We spoke of this sub often and I was to under stand that any one could claim to be "annointed" however if you do well lets just say your every action will be under scrutiny. On my side of the family we have a few of us including my self who see things before they happen and never when you want! I was told as a child to stop telling people what was about to happen that it was the Deamons who where showing me the future! At 17teen I turned my back on them! 10 years earlier I had seen things with in the church that in my heart at years of age I knew was wrong. At 31 one of my brothers convinced me to study & I did talked to the elders and when the subject came up they quoted me Acts 2:17 and told me that as these are part of the last days that Jehovah had pored out his (it's) holy spirit apon mankind and that many people see the things I have. It could be easy for one to assume that they are annointed or as you say elect. Just remember that a group that is so well know for leaving out facts and miss quoting from source material will twist any thing to make them selfs right.
On a side note you can find other mentions of Gods holy spirit being pored out upon people Read Acts. Its all there even in there verson You just have to untwist what they teach.
Good luck
You hit the nail on the head about running into others world wide who know things not taught.
Inherent Knowledge?
GotTheGhost - Can you point out a few examples of things that you knew would happen?
I'm very similar in the part of seeing things wrong in the congregation at a young age, at 13/14 years old, I was finding truth and saw how the revelation book and interpretation of many prophecies were false. My family was shocked when for several months I was fixated on the scriptures talking about the disgusting thing causing desolation standing in a holy place (let the reader use discernment), and was convinced it had not yet happened and was seeking very hard to understand it. Then a year later a watchtower goes out titled, "Let the reader use discernment", in 1998, acknowledging that it has not come to pass, and is unknown. Also from the bible, I did not know what was wrong or how, but was seeing how the condition of the congregation and his people was in bad shape, and had to be fixed.
As for the spirit being poured out on all flesh, and yes if you read Pauls letters, you'll see reference to a greater calling to race for. I see 3 hopes in the bible, and still in process of sorting them out. 1. Are those from birth who were maybe even made to serve Jehovah or have a specific purpose and to accomplish certain things. 2. An invitation for 'any' to become adopted as sons, if they seek it out and 100% 3. For righteous ones who want to live life as God intended being allowed to remain on the earth. (they only need to basically follow the basic commandments of Jesus and their conscience of right and wrong)
Are their two separate annointed groups, the 144,000 from birth who are Gods chosen? Then the great crowd are thjose who seeked out the truth and got holy spirit and also got into heaven? Or are the great crowd the ones who remain after most of humans on earth are wiped out?
If one is born as Gods son, can he loose it or is he made to do what he had to? If so, then seems doubtful those ones could loose it. If that's the case, then the marriage feast in Jesus illustrations meant the israelites were first invited, many rejected, so finally the invitation was opened to anybody. OR since Jesus time, the elect/annointed had been specific selections, even from birth, since many didn't pan out, then it cbecamse an open invitation to all.
I find it very interesting as well, how even on this discusson board, certain topics are being researched and questioned, which I had been going through as well and trying to figure out. I think there has till today been much spiritual darkness worldwide STILL, and NOW is the period of time when the light is going to be getting brighter and brighter, but not in the sense everyone originally thought it would.
There is something happening, and this could be part of bible prophecy. Without giving anything away, but perhaps something a few readers need to investigate, compare the first horseman, with the army that God whistles into existance which is mentioned in Joel, and many of the other early prophets detailing the last days. First horsemen, army, 2 witnesses, Scorpion/Locusts, multicolored horses (throughout certain parts of the bible, some of them may be related to events about to happen.
Inherent Knowledge.......somewhat but much more of a complex answer then that
Nathan Natas
DGP, earnest seeker of truth, inquired, .."How does an anointed know he is anointed?..."
Send me a generous "love gift" and I'll let you know.
This is my opinion only based upon my own understanding of the scriptures. No offense meant to anyone, nor am i attempting to teach anyone or interpret prophecy.
Jesus said "he that wants to be first, must be last". The anointed, like Jesus are not to be ministered to, but to be ministers to others. This flies in the face of how the GB is treated and viewed by rank and file JW's. There is no evidence (that I am aware of) that only JW's are of the anointed. YHWH decides who gets the Holy Spirit. We can debate about it all day long and it will only cause frustration.
How do you know you are anointed?
This is how it was for me:
I was around 27 years old, had been baptized 8 years by that time. I had the earthly hope (and I still do). I can recall when it happened. I woke up one day and did my Daily Text and when I read it, a thought or something like an inaudible whisper filled my mind as to what it really meant, vs the WTS interpretation. Same thing at the WT study and different meetings. I would have conversations with people and get impressions of what was really being said, without any extra audible words being spoken. One might say I can read body language quite well or that I'm very intuitive. It was way more than that. I sought psychiatric help and explained everything. The Doctor waho was a Christian suggested that it could be my own subconscious trying to break against WT dogma or even the Holy Spirit as Jesus did say he would give it to anyone who asked for it, which I had often prayed for. When the Memorial came around I became nervous, panicky even. I didn't have the heavenly hope, didn't wanna go to heaven. I wanted/want a family and everything that goes with it. I figured God would let me have the choice. Then I read the Apostle paul's words about having a thorn in his side and asking for it's removal (and not getting it) also Jesus' prayer in the garden of Gethesmane about letting "this cup pass away if it was God's will" but then submitting to God's will after all.
This impressed upon me the importance of having faith and more importantly trust in God. He can see long distance, how things will work out in the future if people follow his will and I recognized that I often didn't know what was best for me.
I spoke to several Elders who all encouraged me not to partake mostly because of my age and the fact that I had been a JW for so short a time, and compared my service record to more "worthy ones" in the congregation.
By chance I ran into an anointed Brother in Chester, SC. I walked 8 miles to that meeting because I couldn't get a ride from my non-believing family. I was on vacation there visiting relatives, but very strongly felt I needed to be at that meeting that particular night. The KH was/is located in the worst part of town and no JW's ever venture out in FS after 4PM for obvious reasons (crime). There I met a Brother who claimed to be of the anointed who was only 45 years old! This was in 1997 a few weeks before the memorial. His showed me from the scriptures that there was no age requirement and that if a person was indeed found to be mistaken, YHWH would certainly look at the person's heart and what motivated him/her to accept what was given.
I realized that I really had no choice in the matter. I also thought of the parable of the ten minas, with the one slave burying his treasure in the field and the outcome after that. I also thought of Jonah who ran away from his responsibilities and the outcome to that.
Personally this whole business scares the crap out of me. The huge responsibility one has towards others, especially the WTBTS and wit
I hate it when I don't get all the post to post.
witnesses still in or who have come out and everyone else.
Intuitive knowledge, reading scriptures and getting an entirely different take on things.
For instance there was Questions from readers that asked if people would marry in the new system. The WT said no because Jesus had said "neither are they married nor given in marriage, but are like the angels in heaven, being neither male nor female". The WTS applied this to the Great Crowd, which seemed silly to me, when you figure it went against God's original purpose for mankind that we fill the earth and subdue it. Also give mankind's natural tendency to seek out a mate. Obviously Jesus was speaking of the 144k and not the GC.
The disgusting thing standing in a holy place referrred to in Revelation seemd to be some aspect of the Organization, perhaps the GB as it exists today. The prophecies of Jeremiah all point towards the disciplining of God's OWN people and not outside religions. If the JW's are indeed God's true people and they have gone awry (as the Israelites did so many times) then the prophecies of discipline MUST be applied towards them alone. Not upon Christendom who as a whole do not claim to be the only true religion.
I do belive the Org will fall and most JW's will be left in darkness and then the sons of God will shine as bright as the sun when they arise and "preach this good news of the kingdom", after this is done, the Great Tribulation begins.
I have the same understanding of a lot of what you posted. If you keep reading the bible everyday, you'll see more and more of your questions being answered, and yes a lot of it is scary, especially when first starting to get understanding.
When the scriptures speak of the light getting brighter or knowledge unbundant in the congregation, it's speaking of those like us. All meeting and sharing/discussing what we are getting, and personally only accepting what we find in harmony with the bible.
Thanks for your post, also very strange, but seems around age 27/28 that this happens to many. (even younger, but substantial developments around that age for several I've spoken with)