Do you shred paperwork before you throw it out?

by restrangled 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Thanks for your replies, I'm still not sure whether to invest. I must throw out 10 pounds a week between ads, magazines, offers, and old bills, etc.

    Outlaw, LOL.....I thought the dog bed was more important than the shredder, and as long as the poop is plentiful to cover the garbage, I'm ahead of the game!


  • OnTheWayOut

    you don't need to shred all the ads and magazines. But you can. I tear my address and name off of catalogs and mags, toss the rest.

  • Finally-Free

    I only shred anything that has my name or other personal info on it. The rest goes into the recycle bin.


  • restrangled

    Finally Free....I can remember when all this stuff made great lining in the bottom of my Parrot's cage!

  • Twitch

    Only my notes from Dexter,.....

  • Elsewhere

    I shred almost everything.

    If it is a bill or any other type of communication to me, I shred it. The only thing I do not shred is junk mail catalogs and flyers.

    Sometimes if I purchase something and I don't want the neighbors, garbage man or the guys at the recycling center to know about it, I'll shred the package and instructions that came with it.

    Example: [SHREDDED]

    Sorry... I even shredded that.

    When it's time to put out my shredded paper, I'll put it at the bottom of the garbage bag and then dump the contents of my cat's litter box on top of it. Have fun digging through that!

    Sure, some may say I'm paranoid, but I have NEVER had anyone steal any of my personal information.

  • trueblue

    Here you go. A pellet mill and a pellet stove. Turn your shreded paper into wood pellets then burn them in a wood pellet stove.

  • BabaYaga

    Six said:

    I shredded about half of a NWT bible to make gift confetti for last years christmas. It makes for a very fine quality confetti I must say, and you'd be surprised at the volume (a kitchen garbage bag full) that comes just from the pentateuch.

    That is hilarious!!!

  • Elsewhere

    Very cool trueblue!

  • SixofNine
    That is hilarious!!!

    But no joke, you should try it. You can pick up the tiny pieces and actually recognize passages. It's worth donating for ;) ;) :nudge nudge:

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