Thanks to all for your replies and your felicitations,
I am hoping to get my Wife to to read this thread so that she can change her mind a bit, it isn't the presents themselves, it is the fact that they make it clear they only want the minimum, necessary, contact with us, a bit like we are DF'd. They do not show any real love the rest of the year. We have always bought them presents on their anniversary, but we will feel awkward doing that in the future perhaps.
I think the give to charity as an alternative may be a great let out, perhaps I will suggest my favourite charity is the British Humanist Association !
Happy 17th Mr and Mrs Jones !
Happy 13th Mr and mrs Xeracial !
We will enjoy giving, and perhaps receiving, presents, at Christmas to our sons,and to the Wife's relatives who have faded like us.
Thanks again to all you lovely people,and have a GREAT Christmas !