I have seen many, and I do mien many vehicles that had deer wistlers on them and hit deer.
What products should I consider to ward off Deers?
by asilentone 28 Replies latest jw friends
If you've never heard it, you must Google the famous "911- Bambulance call". Funniest thing you ever heard. Maybe someone could link it here.
My DHs auto is currently in the body shop getting a new front end, front quarter panel and with a partial new engine due to Bambi. This is his second Bambi run-in in 4 years. When you see the deer guts all over the grill along with the fur, you realize that the poor deer really took a hit. He was going about 50 and hit the deer head on. (the guts and body spray was all over the side of the car also-- )
We went back the next day and looked at where he hit it and found the poor deer, laying belly up, tongue out. It was really gross.
I am guessing that in the New System we won't have to worry about hitting the deer with our buggies and bikes, huh?
When you hit a deer with a car, are you allowed to keep the deer and have it "processed" ?
Not where I live. You don't even have to alert the police unless it is blocking the road. Then you have to call them and they will alert the department of natural resources. They donate the deer, if it is *fresh* and not ill to the food banks. If it is ill or not fresh they dispose of it. I'm not clear what disposing of it means. I am afraid to look it up.
If they catch you taking it, they will fine you. Apparently taking road kill is popular. If it is fresh. Like just run over. (ewwww)
Some people brought in venison stew and I almost threw up at the thought of trying it. I said I was on a diet. I just couldn't try it. Just couldn't it. You never know what people put in stuff like that. I never eat what people bring into work.
Usually road kill is terrible meat, it is beat up and impossible to bleed. In a lot of places "disposing" it means turning it into the mystery meat they serve in jail.
I hit a deer in the city limits close to some woods, only crippled the poor deer's hind legs and it dragged itself down an imbankment. I called the police and they shot it and put it out of its missery and asked me if I wanted it. I said no and I think they had it butchered and may be to a food bank.
I would not want deer meat from a deer that died a slow death, it gives the meat a wang taste. You want meat from a quick kill so they die so fast they don't know that they have been hit. Or be frightened, fear in the animal is what gives the meat the strange wang taste.
Everybody Wang Chung tonight...everybody have fun tonight.
Get that venison up in ya...it's all good.
The word "deer" can be used in the singular or the plural, like "fish".