So Everything Was Going Good Until...

by tryingtoexit 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • tryingtoexit

    I drew a blank on a particular question. I basically had a talk with my parents over the weekend. They've been JW's since the 50's and pops been an elder since 83. So I knew it was gonna be hard, but I basically told them to their face that I am no longer going to be a JW and gave a few reasons why. After about 2 hours, the discussion went really well. My mom cried and said she was not stepping foot back in a kingdom hall again, she said she felt bad that she brought all those people in during her 16 years of pioneering. My dad said he didnt know how he was going to step down as an elder, but that he didnt believe in "the truth" anymore. This led to numerous questions, and I was pretty much able to answer all of them to a certain degree. Then my mom said in tear "So I wont be able to live on a paradise earth?" We discussed that, then my pops interrupts and says "well if the Great Crowd is in heaven like you've just shown us, then who will live on earth?" I dont know why but I straight blanked out, didnt have an answer so I had to do the typical Witness response I'll get back to you on that. I cant believe I never took the time to really examine that. Like now I believe the Great Crowd and the 144,000 are all in heaven, but after Armageddon who resides on earth, will there always be people on earth like Proverbs/Pslams mentions or am I asking the wrong question. Somebody enlighten me based on their understanding of the Bible, or point me in the right direction.

    Anyways good news is I planted a hell of a seed, and could possibly have both parents leave the Org along with me, next wife.......

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    So everything was going good until ....I woke up. W.Once

  • Gregor

    Like now I believe the Great Crowd and the 144,000 are all in heaven...

    You still have a lot of critical thinking to do...good luck with the folks.

  • snowbird

    Wow, TTE! Congratulations!

    You don't allow any grass to grow underneath your feet, do you?

    If you and your parents will keep researching, you will find that EVERYONE will eventually be living on Earth.

    Revelation 21 and 22 show that Heaven is coming to Earth!



  • SixofNine

    rather than believing something and then trying to transfer that belief to your parents, why don't you just share with them the various beliefs of the different christians, jews, muslims, buddhist and agnostics/atheist, and let them (and yourself) see that the whole exercise of making up stories for what happens when we die is just mental masturbation?

  • tryingtoexit

    Yeah I know I'm confused on alot of things but I aint afraid to admit it, thanks for the pointers from some of yall. I'm still studying, still learning, still growing, thanks for your time.

  • tryingtoexit

    And just to clarify I dont mean I think the great crowd and the 144,000 are all in heaven now, I just meant that you know Witnesses think the great crowd will be on earth in the prophecies spoken of in Revelation. I was just saying NOW...I dont believe that anymore, I believe everyone will be in heaven, but I guess everyone will be coming to earth. I dont know, still trying to grown and learn the correct way to view those prophecies in Revelation all at the same time continue to take the wool from off my eyes that the WTS had over my face.

  • snowbird

    Take your time.

    Question. Learn. Grow.

    Don't fret - He's in full control.


  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Trying to live in accordance with mystical theology can really mess up a person's psychology and balance can't it.

    Living within reality is definitely more challenging but at least you have the knowledge and confidence you are real.

  • VoidEater

    Why does anyone have to live on Earth? If there's a cataclysmic Armageddon, why does Earth as a physical place have to exist at all?

    Why isn't Heaven just another word for paradise Earth? Why does there have to be a distinction at all?

    If everyone achieves reconciliation, or even if all the bad guys are blown away, does it really matter what "heaven" or "earth" is?

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