Am I crazy, or is this plausible?
- Wing Commander
Absolutely plausible. The universe is a vast place.
What I wouldn't give to be able to visit , say, Pluto!
by tryingtoexit 34 Replies latest jw friends
Am I crazy, or is this plausible?
- Wing Commander
Absolutely plausible. The universe is a vast place.
What I wouldn't give to be able to visit , say, Pluto!
I'm very impressed by this story. It's great that your folks seem so reasonable. As far as who will live on earth when (I don't believe any of it, so this is just a suggestions), tell them that maybe someone doesn't have to be completely right all the time and know all the answers. If they choose to believe in some of the Bible, let them know that there's nothing wrong with forming their own speculative conclusions. That in and of itself is a very helpful and empowering thing to keep in mind, I have found. Good luck.
If all that you say is true (I am not calling it false, it's just too wonderful to digest as that simple to get Mom and Dad out) then you are worried about the answer to an individual question, you better stick with some basic answers.
"I don't know every last thing. People debate about the Bible and what the future holds. But we are free to look and free to speculate once we rid ourselves of the clear lies. God will understand our spiritual search for truth even if we never manage to find the exact answers."
Something along those lines.
3. - First, I think you have to conclusively, irrefutably, prove that Jesus was A) a real person, and B) who he said he was, for #3 to even be accurate and plausible.
Does science have to prove how a dead person can be resurrected before I'm allowed to believe that God can do it?
There is wisdom in being able to admit that you don't know 'everything.' JWs don't have that kind of wisdom. The Bible is very interpretive. The future will take care of itself. Now is the time to deal with life, with honesty, love, joy and peace.
Lemme just say this real quick so people can get to know me a little better and not assume they can sum me up based on a few questions. I am simply relating a story and showing that I have a few questions regarding some prophecies in Revelations.
Where have I ever stated on this website/forum that I like religion??? Cause I don't
Where have I ever said I put my entire trust in the Bible??? Cause I don't
Where have I ever made it seem I was closed minded on certain philosphies and ancient cultures- Cause I haven't
I consider myself a student of life, every idea and thought known to man, I am spending my life studying it and enjoying it, but IN THIS PARTICULAR case, I'm dealing with my parents. And they asked me questions I simply could not answer. It would be no different than somebody asking me "well when did Wolverine first appear in comic books?" I would say in an Incredible Hulk comic. Does that mean I love Marvel more than DC comics? No....I was just asking some simple questions, sorry if I came across as a young little ignorant punk, but that's not me, so those that simply tried to answer my questions I appreciate it. Everybody else I have no comment on yall. Anyways I will forever be a student of life and new ideas to the day I die, Jehovah's Witnesses and the Bible are no longer the main things I base my life on, that is all.
OnTheWayOut- I didnt go into detail but trust me it wasnt simple, I was just summin the whole story up, I will explain it a little better in a future thread for those that wanna hear when I find the time...
Lemme just say this real quick so people can get to know me a little better and not assume they can sum me up based on a few questions. I am simply relating a story and showing that I have a few questions regarding some prophecies in Revelations.
Where have I ever stated on this website/forum that I like religion??? Cause I don't
Where have I ever said I put my entire trust in the Bible??? Cause I don't
Where have I ever made it seem I was closed minded on certain philosphies and ancient cultures- Cause I haven't
I consider myself a student of life, every idea and thought known to man, I am spending my life studying it and enjoying it, but IN THIS PARTICULAR case, I'm dealing with my parents. And they asked me questions I simply could not answer. It would be no different than somebody asking me "well when did Wolverine first appear in comic books?" I would say in an Incredible Hulk comic. Does that mean I love Marvel more than DC comics? No....I was just asking some simple questions, sorry if I came across as a young little ignorant punk, but that's not me, so those that simply tried to answer my questions I appreciate it. Everybody else I have no comment on yall. Anyways I will forever be a student of life and new ideas to the day I die, Jehovah's Witnesses and the Bible are no longer the main things I base my life on, that is all.
Good for you, search and you will find. However, it opens many more doors, where faith hangs his hat. You may not like what you find, and it may drive you nuts, but the assumption at this point is taken to be that you will just live life, and what ever happens, happens. Instead of trying to find something to dissuade you parents from the JW's, utilizing JW bullshit, why not just ask them if they are happy doing what they are doing?
Sometimes, when you get old, past the point of making any significant changes, people are just happy believing a fantasy - it takes the pain out of life. It sounds like your parents are not strong in the "truth", and perhaps need a change of pace. If so, don't destroy their faith, without offering something else as a replacement of the void, especially if they are older. I hope it works out for you. Like I said at the outset, things are not what they seem...
True indeed, I can see where you coming from...
Sumthin to think about ...........damn I feel all bad now, I did just hurt them by droppin all dat on em at once
There are several layers you will tackle in time to come up with an answer you feel comfortable with. However, no one knows the answers and so people end up believing what they want to - that is why there are 50,000 different religions.
The Bible indicates that the earth will perish, and so Revelation speaks of a new earth. Of course it is impossible for earth to last forever, the very structure of the universe is based on decay.
Some Christian religions explain that there will be a new earth and in the future God will send people back to this new earth.