I am hoping to fade but if it comes down to battle verus no battle, I'm not going to fight. They can meet to talk about me all they like but I won't be there.
How far would you go to protect your fade?
by jabberwock 13 Replies latest jw friends
What would you do if someone found your copy of of Crisis of Conscience?
I would remind them that my reading choices are not legally subject to their censorship.
What would you say if an elder confronted you after the meeting with printouts of your postings here and asked if you had indeed written them?
- My discussions with others are not subject to his policing or anyone else's.
- Since he was on the web site he has no right to counsel others for doing the same.
- He has no legal right to censor what I read or say.
What if a suspicious relative came right out and asked you, "Do you still believe that this is the truth?"
My relationship with God is between me and God and not subject to policing by anyone. I am not required to answer such questions.
If you faced a judicial committee, whether for apostasy or something else, would you fight the charges, fake repentance, or just let them disfellowship you?
I would not attend a JC because they have no authority over me.
I don't think about these scenerios that much anymore. I've been inactive long enough that the odds of these happening are slim, though when I was first fading they were real concerns.
I'll give my two cents worth based on where I am right now, which may not help someone who is in the early stages...
At what point would you just give up and let them disfellowship you or send in a letter of disassociation?
I don't care what the congregation/elders/etc. do. I won't meet with them, I won't answer questions. If they want to DF me, they'll have to do it without my cooperation. And if they do, big deal.
What would you do if someone found your copy of of Crisis of Conscience?
I used to be afraid of having it found, but then one day I realized it's just a book. Why be afraid of what people think just because you own a book? That in itself is a sign that we were in a cult, when we're actually afraid that someone might find out that we own a book critical of the religion.
What would you say if an elder confronted you after the meeting with printouts of your postings here and asked if you had indeed written them?
I don't go to meetings and I rarely see elders, but if they were to contact me about it, I'd tell them to mind their own business and would answer no questions.
What if a suspicious relative came right out and asked you, "Do you still believe that this is the truth?"
I used to tippy-toe around it but those that know me closest know that I don't believe it. I've said as much. I think my answer if someone asked me that now would be, "don't you think I'd be doing something different if I really believed it?" and let them think what they want.
If you faced a judicial committee, whether for apostasy or something else, would you fight the charges, fake repentance, or just let them disfellowship you?
I wouldn't show up for a JC mtg. And if elders called to discuss "a matter", I wouldn't answer any questions. They only have as much power as you allow them to have. If you refuse to let them rule over you, there is nothing they can do to you. Sure, they can DF you...but if you're already far enough beyond JWism that you don't fear them or care what they do, DFing is no longer a threat.
Fading worked best for me because of family but the further removed I am from it, the less and less I care about what they do about me. But as I care less, they also care less. I am not a threat to them as I don't go 'round making trouble or spouting apostate "propaganda". I've let well enough alone and hoped they would do the same...and for the most part they have, once the initial sheparding/counsel calls ended.
First, if they accused me of posting here, I would simply ask them what they are doing with a copy of apostate materials themselves--and not let them past that. Plus, I would accuse one of them of posting that material on the printout and then trying to accuse me (and an unknown number of others) of being the authors. If they want to prove that I wrote them, they are going to have to integrate their thinking amongst more than 9,000 posts, and then read others' posts--and I will not let them know my username.
My Crisis of Conscience book? They would have to break into my apartment to even see it, and by the time they find it, they would likely be headed downtown in handcuffs. And that would stop them from pursuing the matter any more, since anyone else who burgles my place to find my Crisis of Conscience book would be joining them in jail.
As for a judicial hearing, I simply would not even waste my time to show up. I would rather waste their time.