Hillarious "Counsel" from Platform -Classic

by lepermessiah 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • lepermessiah

    I got this from a close friend -

    This past weekend, the family attended the Circus Assembly. I skipped it, and didnt get a hard time for not going, which was a first.

    Anyway, my family didnt want to tell me about a couple of points from the D.O.'s talk since they knew i would go off.

    First - He went on a rant about the "Twilight" books and movies. He blasted them for being demonic, for taking up too much of people's time, for stirring up unrealistic romantic feelings, etc...........LOL

    This was after a WT study in the morning that supposedly talked about peoples individual consciencious, not imposing your views on others, etc.

    Second - This REALLY takes the cake. He went OFF on the book "Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus" even going as far to calling IT DEMONIC (LOL...HAHAHAHA) and by saying that it is full of horrible advice, etc. I was cracking up laughing since:

    a) I dont know how many witnesses have read that book and quote from it (I know MANY)

    b) Isn't that book like 20 years old now? Did he go off on Dr. Spock again too???

    c) If you dont like the counsel in the book, fine - but to call it DEMONIC? LOL!!!!!!

    d) Its obvious the a-hole hasnt even read it - while not agreeing with all of it, most witnesses would even admit that book has some excellent points about men and women.

    Instead of being upset or going off, I just LAUGHED thinking thank God i wasnt there wasting a precious day of NFL football viewing to hear that "upbuilding counsel"

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    The DO's just love to hear themselves up on that platform.

    I'm sure he has not read that book, or any other book not written by the loons in NY. JW's are full of opinions of books, articles, movies, current events without taking a second to actually read anything having to do on any topic.

    I remember this quite well when my JW ex wife would expound on current events much to the entertainment of the householder. Every now and then one would call her on it and I usually had to jump in.

    There will be other topics in years to come to call demonic. I still remember a DO ranting at a CA abnout Star Wars and how it's an insult to Jehovah's creation.

  • WingCommander

    1.) Ask blow-hard Elder/CO/DO after talk if they have ever actually read or experienced what they just put down, what for them to say, "Of course not."

    2.) Proceed to quote from Paul (I think) who stated something to the affect, "For when you pass judgement on your fellow man, you condemn yourself".....also in Proverbs we are told, "He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him."

    Both of the above scriptures show up the negative speaker as a judgemental Pharisee.

    - Wing Commander

  • inbetween

    I thought, on stage they are not supposed to name directly certain books, movies etc because of lawsuits ?

  • Iwonder17

    Was this assembly in Natick, MA this past weekend? I know some people that were there.....

  • sacolton

    Aw, that's nothing compared to the "You Will Be With Me In Paradise" talk ...


  • babygirl30

    Now THAT is that stuff that makes me mad...because inevitably, whatever is said from the platform - to JWs - is GOLD!!! They hear it and run with it. So ther eis some weakminded JW there saying to their kids 'Oh no more Twighlight - don't watch those movies....don't read those books' UGH!!! All because 1 man who has no idea what that pop culture is about, made a judgement call and wanted to receive 'oooohs and aaaaahs' in his talk.

  • teel

    Lol, thanks sacolton for posting that. Too bad they don't actually publish these kind of trippings.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Its obvious the a-hole hasnt even read it

    Yes, DOs are notorious for this. We had a DO once who spent a good 15 minutes in his talk ripping both Star Trek and Star Wars, calling them "demonic". Then he says "of course, I've never watched these programs". It always amazed me how they could have such strong opinions about things they knew nothing about.

  • lepermessiah

    This is what the next convention will look like:

    Come, bring your Twilight and Men are From Mars books, they are from the devil!

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