15 kinds of wimmen - which are you?

by Satanus 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • VIII
    Some of you must have some of this stuff, at least.

    Ok, I'm a combo of a few:

    Miss VIII thinks knows her vagina is plated with gold and is worth a million dollars. good-looking and well dressed, sometimes she's a ball-buster who enjoys getting men sexually excited and sometimes she just basks in her sexual power by attracting men like bees to honey.

    I could go on, but I wouldn't want to get you more excited than you already might be.

  • snowbird

    I don't like men because I don't understand them.

    Never have, perhaps never will.


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Miss desperate sounds kinda hot. That's what I'm looking for.

  • Twitch


    Generalizations and stereotypes are funny when not meant or taken seriously. I find as much amusement when the finger points the other way as well. Why? Because it's true to a point, but not exclusively or across the board. Sense of humour required

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    I find as much amusement when the finger points the other way as well.

    I'm sure the outraged women on this thread find it amusing when it points the other way.

  • Satanus

    On another site, the list was taken as a fun comparison.

    Thankyou, viii. Don't worry, i'm staying cool.


  • Robdar

    I'm independant got my own place, my own ride and pay my own bills. Make sure I look right when I walk out the door but dont think I'm god's gift to the world. First one to have my man's back but know he needs his own space to be him. Wants a man doesnt need one to be a strong woman!

    The only kind of man who wants the above kind of woman is a low wage earner with a beatup car who thinks he is God's gift to women.

  • PSacramento
    And I love that he looks after me. ( He just bought snow tires for my truck. ) I don't think that makes me a weak woman.
    "Cus I look after him, too.

    Cue the 70's porn music !

  • Twitch

    The only kind of man who wants the above kind of woman is a low wage earner with a beatup car who thinks he is God's gift to women.

    Hey, I earn a decent wage

    So, Robdarling, how u doin',....;)


  • palmtree67

    Hahahaha! Psac, too funny!

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