I'm not sure what men you know but all those descriptions made me kind of sick.
You left off one: Real Man
Self Confident
Does what needs to be done when it needs to be done without whining about it, if necessary takes a deep breath first and braces himself.
Does not tolerate nonsense.
Has big heart and is not afraid to use it.
Makes committments and honors them.
Keeps his promises.
Does not make promises lightly, but if he does make a promise only Hell or high water can make him break the promise.
Provides for those who he loves and those who depend on him.
Empathetic to a high degree.
Treats everyone with respect, dignity, kindness and consideration. Even people who are in an "inferior" position like waitstaff, hotel clerks, store clerks, etc.
Honest. Views lying and liars as DESPICABLE behavior and won't tolerate them.
Educated. Self educated if need be.
Curious. Einstein said that one's intelligence was measured by the depth of their curiosity and imagination.
Loves with a total lack of inhibition, boudaries, reservation, or constraint. Loves with his whole heart, soul, spirit, mind, body, and will.
Does not make excuses or accept excuses from others.
In relation to how he treats his woman (yes, he owns his woman )
Does not criticize.
Does anything he can to make her life easier. Carries the heavy burdens on HIS shoulders so that she has more time for important things like getting her nails painted, getting her hair done, picking out lingerie.
Pretends to listen when she blathers on and on about stuff which he has no idea what she is talking about.
Takes the lead in finding fun things to do.
Takes out the garbage without being nagged to death about it.
Doesn't tolerate being nagged to death about stupid stuff.
Doesn't argue about stupid crap.
Finds profound things to read and shares them.
Finds beautiful music to listen to and shares it.
Well I could go on but I think you get the idea.