Because of the problem with long posts, I will type this in Notepad and post in pieces.
Don't bother reading this if you are impatient. It takes a bit to get to the point.
This is not a thread about Adolf Hitler, but I wanted to use
history to make a point. Rumors persist that Hitler was
extremely efficient and those that try to look for a silver
lining for his horrible regime say that " least the trains
ran on time" in Nazi Germany.
There's even an episode of the original Star Trek where a
Federation representative establishes a Nazi state on a planet
in order to quickly bring what he believed was
"the most efficient system of government ever devised."
In reality, it was Facist Italy that got the trains running on time- sort of.
One of the best ways to gain the support of the people you want to lead is to do
something of benefit to them. Failing that, the next best thing is to convince them
that you have done something of benefit to them, even though you really haven’t. So
it was with Benito Mussolini and the Italian railway system.
Mussolini needed to convince the people of Italy that fascism was indeed a system
that worked to their benefit. Thus was born the myth of fascist efficiency, with the
train as its symbol. The word was spread that Mussolini had turned the dilapidated
Italian railway system into one that was the envy of all Europe, featuring trains that
were both dependable and punctual.