Yes, yes, now it is coming back to me. Keep in mind that it was around 1999 when I talked about that popular mechanics article. I did two presentations, one on teleportation and another on nanotechnology. Of course, the magazine probably added its own ideas to the potential because I do remember it speaking of matter being disassembled (destroyed) at the source and being recreated at the destination. I think what it was saying was that it did indeed 'record' the state of the matter at the source before destroying it. Obviously this would mean that the telepods are taking apart the matter somehow too (perhaps with nanotechnology). It did mention the property of spin on an electron as something that was being measured. It got me interested in quantum mechanics for a while but now I am back into computers.
They did an article later on nanotechnology itself and talked about the potential for it to make food and water for people living in areas with high poverty. I guess you can basically call this our version of the 'Star Trek replication technology.'
I did another presentation for that college course on LCD monitors after that as I figured I had 'fried' the class's brains enough for that semester thinking about the previous articles.
Now I got to search and see if I can find those articles.