What Ever Attracted You To The Witnesses In The First Place?

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    The thought of seeing your loved ones again is great motivation for JWs to hang in there.

  • snowbird
    the JWs had ALL
    the answers i needed.... resurrection,
    paradise earth, upright and holy organization
    heeeere fishy fishy fishy....
    swallowed it hook, line and sinker

    My scenario exactly.


  • leavingwt

    Ill-fitting, cheap polyester suits.

  • Girlie

    They came to me at a time in my life when I was having a lot of inner turmoil and some of the teachings appealled to me. I also enjoyed the association. But reality set in and I realized that I couldn't continue walking in it. Throughout my 14 years of being in, I have always had conflicts with the faith. Perhaps, I should have listened to that inner voice years ago.

  • chickpea
    Too bad you went to the wrong one

    too bad it came to me!!!

  • WTWizard

    If I would have attracted the opposite sex instead of having Jehovah driving them away from me, I would have had much less for them to scam me into joining. They would not have had the use of that promise to draw me into the cancer. And they may have been that much less "not taking no for an answer" if they knew there would be no Value Destroyer Training School for me.

    Throw in lack of resources to compare the religion with what the Bible itself says (one check) or with real life (the other), and I got scammed in. They made promises, there is a rule that making promises and then breaking them gets you disfellowshipped, and then they broke the promises by dogging them.

  • recovering

    I was forced into it from Childhood..

    pesky circumstance known as "birth."

    so very true

  • mouthy

    I was a young Mother ( war bride)living in Montreal( from England)

    which was mostly French speaking.Two lovely clean cut girls very polite
    knocked at my door( I was an unbeliever)spoke about God!! & how he
    would make a better life for me. I had a Drinking hubby,no furniture ,just
    a hot plate,beds for my 3 kids ,a wood stove mattress for me & hubby
    ,some dishes
    Just then the Police pulled up & came to arrest them...I told them to come inside
    as I trusted them...by then, but they said" NO God had told them this would happen!!!"
    Well they came back 3 months later, gave me a free bible & a free book,& told me
    the Bible told them they would be persecuted. I was hooked, Took me two years of
    study & to kick the "fags" but got baptised 1963 in the name of the Father ,Son & Holy Spirit?
    I was a TRUE believer.....took the persecution I believed God had told me I would suffer
    Made 10 people JWS...WORKED as their slave for 25 years. for that FREE BIBLE & BOOK
    I NEVER accept ANY freebies NOW!!!NONE!!!!!!!
    Of course some of you may not know the JWs were arrested under the Quebec laws.
    originated by the Catholic Church

  • minimus

    Grace, when you left the Organization, it must've shocked everyone!

  • mouthy

    Yes it did!!!!! I didnt leave...I was D/F because I said I could NOT believe in the invisable return of Christ in 1914
    Yesterday a woman ( 62yrs old ) came to visit .I introduced her to the cult when she was 18 yrs old.
    She left about 8 yrs ago.( by listening to Charles Stanley)She brought an old lady with her,JUST doubting
    was married to an elder( since died)is needing help,this time of the year is giving her a hard time even though
    she is realizing it "aint"the truth.....It is truly a wicked organization...
    I KNOW some at Brooklyn ( or as Mary calls it Crooklyn)reads these sites
    because when I Picketed Brooklyn( Crooklyn) ONE of the Brothers??? told me on the quite
    we read all those apostate sites. SO WAVES!!!!>>>>>> to all those losers!!!!!! Keep reading mates!!
    we will be here to hug you on your exit.

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