Why do Ex-JWs start celebrating pagan Christmas?

by DubR 221 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JWoods

    One thing to remember is that the early ancestors of the JW cult used to celebrate Christmas themselves.

    They quit just about the time they thought up such stuff as the end of the world in 1925, the literal 144,000 and the Great Crowd, "millions now living will never die", the earthly immediate resurrection of the men of old, and the mandatory door to door service. Note that when they rejected Christmas, other important doctrines such as the smoking ban and the blood transfusion law were just a gleam in somebodies eye. Note also that they were being led by a hopeless megalomaniac and alchoholic bully given to explosive profanity. Point being that they just made this stuff up as they went along, and the people making it up were seriously disturbed people.

    Considering the track record on that clap-trap of doctrine, I don't think they have much right to claim "divine intervention" on the Christmas holiday.

  • avishai

    why do you care?

  • lovelylil2

    Good Q.

    I did it because I always missed celebrating Christmas. I got very sad around this holiday not being able to participate. I was never 100% for not celebrating it like my husband was but did not want to make waves in my marriage.

    After leaving the WT, I did some research on this holiday and found that Christians do not observe Christmas on Dec 25 because of the festival of Saturnalia but rather because it is the day that coincides with the Festival of Lights, a Jewish holiday. Since Christians base their beliefs on Judiasm and not pagan festivals, I have no guilt in observing Christmas anymore.

    The other arguements the WT gives against Christmas were always weak anyway. Just because we are not told to observe this day does not mean we should not. Interestingly, the Jews observed the festival of lights (then called feast of dedication) when God had not directly commanded them to do so. And Jesus was even present in the temple area during this feast. (See John 10)

    Once we left the WT, I was ready to observe Christmas right away but it took my husband 3 years to get to that point. Finally, my son asked his father if we could please have a Christmas tree and he caved on the issue. Now it our 6th Christmas and my husband helped me decorate the tree this year with not one once of guilt. Peace, Lilly

  • JWoods
    After leaving the WT, I did some research on this holiday and found that Christians do not observe Christmas on Dec 25 because of the festival of Saturnalia but rather because it is the day that coincides with the Festival of Lights, a Jewish holiday. Since Christians base their beliefs on Judiasm and not pagan festivals, I have no guilt in observing Christmas anymore.

    Excellent point! It could also be further strenghened by the fact that the memorial (the ONLY holiday they like) is of course based upon Jewish festival of the passover.

    And by that uncomfortable (for a JW) scripture about "judging no one over celebrating a feast".

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    pagan, schmagan... it's an innocuous winter celebration to ameliorate the bleakness of the season

  • AggieNostic

    This year will be Christmas number 2 for our family and we LOVE it! We don't even consider it religious - for us it is a time for family, friends, sharing and appreciation of those loving bonds. The timing is perfect - it's at the end of the year - we can look back on the past months and re-evaluate our lives and accomplishments and also learn from any issues/problems the we encountered.

    Christmas to us has VALUE. The previous life with JWs had nothing like it and in fact JW families would be better off if they did.

    It's sad that we are just now starting this Christmas tradition - we have no fond memories - but at least we are starting now and I can't wait for Christmas with my grand children and hopefully my great grandchildren!!!


    1st post: I mean anyone who was a Jehovah Witness knows this fact. By the way im not condemning just wondering!! Thanks.
    Post on Page#4: To each his own yo, but I was making a point to self-righteous Christians and these retarded "im anointed and part of the elect" Christians running around here that condemn atheists and
    agnostics but celebrate a holiday that Im sure would get them killed by their jealous retarded God!!

    Your post on Page 4,tells us your true intention of this thread..

    Your not just wondering..

  • JWoods
    Im sure would get them killed by their jealous retarded God!!

    Yes, indeed - trying to make a point - but I am still muddled by exactly what that point is?


    part 2 of post to DubR..

    Your trying to make a point ..

    To Self-Righteous,Retarted,Annointed,part of the Elect Christians..

    That Worship a Jealous,Retarted God..


    Part 3 of post to DubR.. The Truth is..

    You don`t like Christmas and you Hide behind BullShit..

    To Cuss out,anyone that does..

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