Duggar #19 In NICU

by snowbird 39 Replies latest social family

  • DaCheech

    they don't work for years

  • leavingwt

    They are paid employees of a very successful television network.

  • snowbird

    DaCheech, I think you've got the Duggars confused with the Gosselins.


  • DaCheech

    in my book, they are NOT role models.

    I did not watch kate plus 8, don't watch them, would never watch octomom.

    if they are succesful, why are they asking people for money?

    their income is from having a big family, if everyone would follow their EXAMPLE, there would not be enough reality TV show time for all those wannabees

  • leavingwt
  • Quandry

    I think that number 19 is "enough of a good thing." How about when the kids get older? What if even three need dental work, or orthodontic braces? Not to mention college....who will pay for that?

    Why make a name for yourself by cranking out children? Any more, and they just will not be able to give them all the attention they individually deserve.

    Enough already!!!

  • DaCheech

    yeah, and their children are home schooled and gonna make a living doing what? another reality show............ one after another?

    when I was a kid, I watched eight is enough, and THAT WAS ENOUGH!

  • leavingwt

    DaCheech -- Just so we're clear, I think these people are bat$hit crazy. However, the available evidence suggests that -- at this time -- they are not leeches. My wife will not watch the show, out of principle. She doesn't agree with the television network supporting/encouraging what she considers to be a gross disrespect of human life.

  • DaCheech

    leaving, I think I'm coming down to earth a little, and your last statement is a good summation.

    Anytime people ask for money instead of working for it, it either leeching or begging or whatever.

    I just had to say something, because people are playing into that. And are all giddy just to be good christian "bandwagon followers"

  • DaCheech

    I've got no time for the research, but who's paying these intensive care bills?

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