Wow Found out one of my Elders was DFed

by Butterflyleia85 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • dig692
    And ha now who's going to be my new elder... gees with all these new elders the whole world might as well no my business!

    Bingo, you hit the nail on the head! The old elders will tell your new elders why you were DF'd, and those elders will tell their wives, and the wives will accidentally let it slip to their friends, who will tell their friends/husbands, who will tell their friends/wives/children, until the entire congregation knows what you did, as well as some neighboring congregations.

    One how is it right I got two family members as my elders?

    You can get family members as elders, you can get an elder your age, heck you can even get an elder that is younger than you these days! And yes if you are Df'd and have a high social status in the congregation (ie family member of an elder) then you can expect to have an easier time getting reinstated. Sucks doesn't it?

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    VoidEater summed it up pretty well.

    I'll address a bit of JW legalism you brought up:

    "how is it right I got two family members as my elders?"

    I'm assuming by "my elders" you mean elders on your Judicial Committee. That is not supposed to happen. The (not-so-secret) secret Elders Handbook specifically prohibits it. Somebody screwed up on that.


  • Butterflyleia85

    dig692, yeah it does... kinda not fair.

    Open mind, Wow really so is that why maybe it was ancounced he (Aaron that I mentioned in post) had to step down from being an elder (bout a month ago I found out) and then just today I found out he was DFed.

  • Butterflyleia85

    Oh and just to add to the story. I was hanging out with good friends up until I wanted to meet new ppl from new halls and my sister started secretly dating this guy that had a DF brother. That is when I meet the "bad JWs". But I wanted to date and have my first kiss. Haha wow yeah I didn't have my first kiss til I was 21. Ha I heard rumors guys found me intemidating, ha yeah even among JWs if you find the right crowd you can find risky JWs. I went two hours away to hang out with fun friends and hot guys. Geez have I learned alot since then.

    Anyways back to the Elders. This Elder that got DFed, wow I could never have pictured it. He seemed like he had the picture perfect family. Two sons one that never dated though and wanted to go to Bethal... He never made it in, I think his 26. The other married to a pioneer and was an Elder at 27 maybe a little older but not to much. And a daughter that was 19, my sister's age married a guy I was interested in, who was 34! Wow. But still all his kids never made a mistake and always dressed and acted like angels. They all were homeschooled too.

    OMG and when I was faced by the Elder I felt like scum of the earth. He looked at me like I was the sins of all sins. He just was flabagasted and confused "how" "why" I just seemed insane to him like I must have been the skankiest person ever. OMG. I will explain...

  • Butterflyleia85

    Found out he left his wife for another woman... (like his brother, he also left his wife for a sister at his hall). So crazy!! Wow and he made me feel like crap, at least I didn't cheat!! Wow...

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