by poopsiecakes 26 Replies latest jw friends
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Hi Everyone,
I wanted to formally introduce myself and let you all know how great I think this board is. I’ve been lurking for a little while now and find your insights and camaraderie a lot of fun to read. I left ‘the truth’ about 6 years ago when I moved away from my home town and because of a vindictive JW back home and a particularly weasley elder body here, I am now disfellowshipped. This after not attending meetings for over 18 months in a new city where the elders didn’t even know what I look like (I did make the mistake of attending a couple of meetings when I first moved here but after that nada).
Oh well, all’s well that ends well and I can honestly say that I’m far better off after being released from the tyranny of the JW’s. My mother and one sister back home are still devout so I have no contact with them whatsoever and one sister who accomplished the perfect fade about 20 years ago and who lives in the same city as I do. Needless to say, we have become very close through all of this and she is horrified that our own mother won’t reach out to me.
It took me a very long time to have the guts to go onto a website like this one and about 6 months ago I discovered jwfacts.com and holy mother trucker what a shock and revelation. Despite having been df’d I did think that if any religion has the truth, the JW’s are the ones and that bad apples exist anywhere. I was horrified to read about the UN scandal. That alone was enough to convince me that something was rotten and horribly wrong. Compounded with the ‘new light’ about the generation teaching, the weird and inexplicable ‘logic’ of the blood fraction allowance (and everything that goes with that silliness), seeing a compiled bullet form of flip flops and reading the true history of the JW’s, it’s a wonder my jaw didn’t need stitches from the smack it took on the floor.
I truly wish that I could find a way to reach out to those I still love who are still suffering from WT delusion but I’m not sure if it’s worth the time and heartache to try, knowing what I know about how I would be perceived and blocked out. I do believe that somehow, someway an opportunity will present itself; at least with a few of these people and I sincerely hope that I can have some restraint and not spew like a runaway hose all of the things I have learned.
Thanks so much for this board – I really feel like there’s an understanding here that I can’t quite find with my never-witness friends and it’s great to have a non-judgmental forum to read and post on.
I also have loved ones trapped in WT. Hopefully, one day they'll start to think for themselves.
Sad emo
Welcome on board!
Thanks so much for the welcome . You guys rock.
Welcome to the board!
I'm fairly new myself and I'm sure you will love it here. There is so much knowledge and experience within this group, and some really wonderful people. Enjoy your stay
Welcome aboard, recent new commer myself, about 4 months, found this site & joined up the following day. It's answered so many questions i had in my head, & now I can say I'm never never never going back. I will only set foot in a KH again for a funerial or wedding.
The Almighty Homer
Welcome to the forum Poopsie , yes learning the truth about the truth is a revelation in itself.
Astonishing isn't what they were able to hide and conceal away from the body of members.
The corrupt and coercive properties of the WTS. are indeed real, so too are its possible destructive damage into peoples lives.
POOPSIECAKES- Welcome to the board friend ! I'm glad you are here. There are a lot of caring people here who have " been there, done that " so to speak like yourself exiting the witnesses. I got out of the witnesses 6 years ago also and I am fading like your sister. Some JW family shuns me, some don't but it still hurts. I'm sorry you are experiencing it . Hang in there, you are among friends who understand