
by poopsiecakes 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • poopsiecakes

    Hi again!

    Thanks so much for all of the welcomes
    Love the snowman, yknot - tee hee hee.
    Independant: It's not that they df'd me for non-attendance, I was guilty of an offence but the worst part was that even though I hadn't been attending meetings for a year and a half, had never been in service since I moved here (so technically not a witness anyway), no one in the congregation knew me, the elders paid zero attention when I stopped attending and none of my 'worldly' friends knew my witness background, someone from back home sent them sniffing after me. My mistake was going to the damn committee meeting - I did not want to be df'd and I begged them not to do it, telling them that they didn't know me at all and had made no effort to do so, that I needed help and that when they make their announcement the reaction in the audience will be 'huh, who's that?' and they didn't give a crap. Since then, no effort to contact me whatsoever - even the once a year 'reach out at memorial time' thing the WT prides itself on. I just decided that if I could be tossed away so brutally, then I want no part of it. ahhhh good times.....
    At any rate, the thing with my mom and sister back home rankles at me - I can't help it. On the rare occasion that I do talk to my mom, I'm upbeat and positive and that seems to make her really sad, as though she wants me to be miserable...it's painful and strained and I'm actually glad that she doesn't make more of an effort to contact me if that's truly how she feels. Still hurts but whaddaya gonna do?
    The wealth of knowledge on this board is astounding and I enjoy availing myself of it. I look forward to getting to know all of you better in the days to come!
    p.s. - can't wait for xmas and new year's YAY

  • Heaven

    Hi poopsiecakes! Welcome to JWN.

    I just decided that if I could be tossed away so brutally, then I want no part of it.

    So many things the JWs do are not in line with Christ's teachings or what Stephen Covey calls 'True North Principles'. This is why I have always maintained that they are "Jehovans" and NOT "Christians".

  • ziddina

    Well, , Pooopsiecakes!!!

    (Pooopsiecakes... tee, hee!)

    Zid P.S. I'm one of the resident Pagans... Booo!


  • cantleave

    HELLO!!!!!! Welcome. Join the club.

  • mouthy

    Pooopsiecakes!!! <<<<<Oh ZID I like that

    Welcome POOPSI!!! So glad you found us.
    These are a great group!!!!( most of em)
    once in a while we get a JW telling us we stink.
    but we gang up on em LOL

  • poopsiecakes

    Zid - those are awesome! giggle giggle
    Mouthy - I love your spunk
    Heaven - great new word for the urban dictionary, is Jehovan there yet??
    Robdar - fingers crossed for the future and well, poopsiecakes just sorta happened...at least it's a screen id nobody else has
    FindingMyWay - great story, great truth in your post and thanks so much for the kind words and positive outlook

    One philosophy that I have tried very hard to live by is the law of attraction and that you create your own universe by thought and then action - it's so powerful to tap into the possibilities that open up by thinking positively, letting go of guilt, resentment (still working on that one) and negative feelings - just doing good to others for the sake of doing good and because I want to help, not because I want to slip a tract or a WT into their hands. I feel so good about life when I focus on thinking that way. I hope to share many positive things here with you all as time goes on!!

  • mouthy

    letting go of guilt Yes I am still working on that love (((HUG)))

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