RED ALERT!! RED ALERT!! Meteorite shower tomorrow night!!!

by ziddina 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    [Blast! Can't make the title 'red'...]

    From Sky and Telescope, online version: "This year the Moon will be nearly new when the Geminids peak on the night of December 13-14. The shower's radiant, the point in the sky from which they all seem to originate, is near Castor and Pollux. It's well up in the east by 9 or 10 p.m. and crosses near the zenith (for mid-northern observers) around 2 a.m.

    The shower should peak around 5:00 Universal Time on the morning of the 14th, corresponding to midnight EST and on the 13th at 9 p.m. PST - excellent timing for North America and Western Europe. Under dark-sky conditions you might see as many as 120 medium-speed meteors per hour. (Light pollution reduces the numbers.) The shower is active to a lesser extent for at least a day or two beforehandand about one day after...."

    Which means that - if you hurry - you might even see some tonight!!!

    And you can also check it out at this website:


  • loosie

    cool. maybe I'll go out and freeze my butt off to check it out.

  • ziddina

    Hey Loosie! I'm on my way out - gotta stop posting and get my butt out there... Good to see you!! Actually, the MAIN event is supposed to be tomorrow night... But there's supposed to be a prelude tonight - happy star hunting!

    Hope our minus 16 degree farenheit weather hasn't gotten to you yet... Zid

  • flipper

    ZIDDINA - Damn ! I wish it wasn't freaking raining monsoons out here in Northern California all weekend ! If it wasn't for a little thing called CLOUDS we'd be able to SEE it this weekend ! Would you be able to post some limks with pictures for those of us with " cloud syndrome" occuring ? Enjoy ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • ziddina

    Rats! Flipper - we've got clouds moving in right now... I went walking last night, saw a few ghostly streaks but it's hard to watch for meteorites on the edge of a major metropolitan area, especially when one is watching for ice on the sidewalk/path...

    No biggie, though - these showers recur every year, and there are at least 3 major showers during the year. I'll get a greater 'lead time' on the next one - I think it's in February...

    By the way, Meteorite shower parties are usually a lot of FUN ... wish


  • ziddina

    Just keeping this thread active so that potential fans of meteorite showers will catch it...

    wish (I like that 'icon'...) Zid


  • VM44

    "RED ALERT!! RED ALERT!! Meteorite shower tomorrow night!!!"

    Raise the shields!

  • judge rutherFRAUD
    judge rutherFRAUD

    I love a nice meteorite shower , I fact I saw one once (shooting star) and made a wish. IN fact there was a meteorite shower in the year 1829 and RUSSELL SAID IN STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES that was proof of the time of the end and the forfullment of the verse that says the stars will fall from the SKY...

  • restrangled

    Zid, you've got me....I have a telescope, its clear tonight and it is computer generated. (In otherwords it will focus to what ever I want to look at.)

    Where do I point this thing?

    Just learning.


  • restrangled

    Where in the solar system do I need to go to follow this ? I'm at 6:52 eastern standard time.......thanks!


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