So my husband rarely talks to his sister and never talks to his mom. His sister, brother in law and mom will have nothing to do with me because 10 years ago when I left the JWs they heard rummors (gossip) that I was apostate.
Husband is totally apostate too by their standards but they ignore what they don't want to see. He celebrates all the holidays, goes to Church, celebrates birthdays and bad mouths the WTS all the time.
Well sister in law calls this morning and he is on the phone with her for one hour. They talked non important stuff, just catching up. I was laying in bed the whole time and listening to the conversation. They brought up long lost relatives, their grandparents who are dead, their weird mom, their dad, their cousins .... but neither one of them brought me up. My husband asked how her husband was but she didn't ask how I was.
After a while I started to get offended. I didn't care that she did not care to bring me up but I was like WTF toward my husband. Like he couldn't mention me in any conversation???? He started talking even about their cousin's husband losing his job. But my name was taboo!
So when he got off the phone we got into a huge argument. I was so hurt and offended that he participates in this shit. Like he could have said a little something about what we do that is not offensive to them. But he is WEAK!
I lost so much respect for him this morning. Just seeing the way he cow-tows to these a$$holes! Just venting here. Input is welcome.