Frustrated with the JW in law sitch

by bluesapphire 31 Replies latest social humour

  • bluesapphire

    I forgot to say that in THIS conversation she did not say anything bad about me but in a previous conversation she told him, "We have heard all that your wife has said about the society so we don't want anything to do with her." (I said something negative to my sister and she gossipped it to the whole world ---- a whole 10 years ago!)

    I guess it's really that part that I was mad at. He didn't defend me then. And now I'm TABOO. It's like mentioning my name is equivalent to doing the sign of the cross or something LOL.

    I personally would have responded, "Hmmmm, so you think it's ok to gossip about my wife????" And I would have put them in line then and there.

    But he didn't do that either. He just sat there and let them dictate the "rules" of their "relationship". It's totally something that goes against my grain. I don't take dissing very well, especially of those I love.


    Things could be worse..

    You could have married this guy..

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  • mrsjones5

    Maybe his not bringing you up to his family is a way of protecting you. Why leave you open for attack and start up new mess?

  • bluesapphire

    Yeah, could be. Or he could just be weak. Doesn't matter anymore. I know how it is. I just have to accept it or move on.

  • hamsterbait

    I f he is still linked to the Jehoobies Witless Cu*t he will behave like an emotionally illiterate, dysfunctional a$$ hole.

    They turn their feelings on and off like a light bulb.

    Start doing the same with YOUR side of the family, and see what happens...


  • bluesapphire

    haha ... no can do because he is close with my family and they call him as well as me. DARN! The day I was mad though I went over my brothers' and told him he couldn't come with me. I know I know totally immature!

    Fighting with JWs just brings out the most idiotic in me though.

  • flipper

    BLUESAPPHIRE- I've read everyone's post- so I'm trying to think of something intelligent to say to have a positive influence here. Let me ask you a question : Even when you and your hubby were active in the witnesses , did you get along with your in-laws ever ? Or have they always been a challenge to get along with ? The reason I ask this is because in my marriage to a JW woman ( married 19 years til 1998) her relatives were INCREDIBLY hard to get along with . They were trailer park type JW's who got in all kinds of dysfunctional hassles with not only me , but my wife herself , and other people in the congregation ! I think they would have been difficult to deal with had they been witnesses or non-witnesses. Some people arejust a-holes to deal with.

    But I am a huge believer that a man and woman should consider each other FIRST before in-laws. Your husband needs to grow some stones and talk about you with his relatives because you are IMPORTANT to HIM and his wife. Even IF the in-laws think you are apostate , he can always discuss you in a non-witness way just sharing what you guys are doing in your lives together and activities you have been busy in as a family. If they don't want to hear it- that's up to them, but at least he is exercising his freedom of speech and not allowing the WT society to " control " whether he can speak about his wife. That is my point.

    I think your husband is not only intimidated by his JW family ; he very well subconsciously may still be intimidated by the WT society and it's INFLUENCE over himself and his relationship with his family or yourself without even admitting it verbally. Something to think about. I was raised in the witnesses, got out at 44 and been out 6 years , but my JW family understands my wife NEVER was a witness and I make sure that THEY understand and respect that we have our doubts and reservations about the WT society. Yet in the same voice I tell them I do respect their choice to pursue the witness beliefs if they wish. And they know not to push them on me or my wife. I wish you the best my friend. It's tough, especially when you have self righteous JW relatives as in-laws. Glad I don't. Mine are non-practicing Catholics who haven't been to church in 40 years. A bit easier to be around. I understand your hurt , but your hubby needs to grow up some . He's intimidated by his family

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I think I understand where your coming from, I agree, he's not standing up for you..

    but, dahum, I don't think I would ever call my husband weak, I mean, it's just so cold and cutting.

    It doesn't seem productive at all.

  • agonus

    I understand where you're coming from.

    But you're starting to sound a lot like my JW ex-wife who threw ME out of the house over religion.

  • agonus

    It sucks to be a gentle, loving, sensitive guy who domineering women love you for it but then turn around and constantly chew your ass for "not taking a stand".

    You know, sometimes the best stand you can take with manipulative people is not to take a stand at all. Is a man spineless for trying to see things from everyone's point of view?

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