i am yet to read this book...
but i can say i had two identities even tho i was in it from 10. And you can guess which one won... but i didnt like him at first.
by doublelife 17 Replies latest jw friends
i am yet to read this book...
but i can say i had two identities even tho i was in it from 10. And you can guess which one won... but i didnt like him at first.
Your other identitiy is the one that you have been suppressing all these years. It is the one with the hopes and dreams and ambition. Ask yourself if I hadn't been a JW what might I have done with my life?
What did you give up or put to one side to pursue theocratic goals? These are the very things to tap into now.
You do have an other voice it started to assert itself when you started thinking for yourself.
I was a born in witness - in 44 years. No matter whether we were born in or came in after many years - We ALL have an authentic personality we were born with aside from the cult and we ALL had at one time a cult personality when we were witnesses. I feel DGP described it right on the money. Our cult personality was uptight , non-emotional and robotic. Our authentic, human, natural personality is loving, kind, more humorous, and easy to be around. Much less rigid. Even those of us born in the cult have our natural non-cult influenced personalities and characteristics
If cult members have two identities, then where is my other identity?
Judging from your screen name, I think you already know the answer!
Do you know if there is also in Italian?
Why do you think the WT is constantly warning against leading double lives?
It BREEDS double lives.
I only had one personality before "Jehovah's Organization" straightened me out.
IN cases of those who were born in or brought in at a young age think of it not so much as your "before" personality and more as your true personality; the YOU you would have been without the pressures and influence of the WTS.
It make take a bit longer to think and feel your way to your true self but that applies to everyone. Most people start asking the "Who am I?" question in theri teens with refinements as they age. Some of us just get to do it when we are a bit older and hopefully wiser.