Far too easy but far too effing sickening.
How easy is it to pretend to be a spirtual JW?
by highdose 28 Replies latest jw friends
keyser soze
I did it for the last few years I was in. The toll it took on me emotionally and mentally was a lot more difficult then actually fooling them.
It's very easy. I've been in congregations where the most spritual people were leading double lives then eventually d'shipped. But before the truth about their real lives came out the were on the platform every week, had their hands up for all the answers, never missed field service. They were elders, MS, pioneers you name it the creme de la creme and no one suspected a thing.
Its not hard to dress right and make sure you have the right books. The hard part is answering the questions with sincerity. When you know it's wrong the words don't come as naturally as they once did and the temptation to undermine the paragraph can be too strong.
There's no way I could do it. Maybe I could for the first couple of times. I have no problem faking it with people who don't have my best interests at heart (ie- elders who'd jump at the chance to df me). But as soon as I got close to anyone, I couldn't fake it.
I would say pretty dern easy. I honestly think about 60% are always pretending, 30% are just plain crazy and should be committed and then you have the 10% who are truly sincere.
"I would say pretty dern easy. I honestly think about 60% are always pretending, 30% are just plain crazy and should be committed and then you have the 10% who are truly sincere."
Those numbers might be right on....
Easy to fake short term.
Long term? Absolutely no reason to screw up my life again.
First and most importantly, you have to make ther JW's want to be your friend. If you are going to be a fake JW, then go all the way and be a fake, "somebody important" JW. Tell them, you work for a big company that is expanding and you are looking at this city for a new division- uh, does anybody need a job? They will be falling over themselves to be your closest friend so they can get preferential hiring. You just can't say much right now, because of SEC confidentiality rules on insider trading. Have a good time.
TOO easy...I did it since birth!
I would probably last five minutes before the "sisters" started treating me like I had no business anywhere near them. At which point I would act like it stumbled me, and tell the hounders that, for the sake of the "sisters", I am going to have to disassociate myself so I don't pollute the New Dark Ages for them. From that point on, I would dog trying to be "spiritual".