Boy Sent Home From School For Drawing Pic Of Jesus Dead On A Cross!

by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    mini: "the class was asked to draw something relating to the holidays"

    I suppose when I'm reincarnated as a 2nd grader, I will draw Santa nailed to the cross with Joe Rutherford standing next to him with a hammer in one hand and a bottle of booze in the other hand.

    "The school made the boy accept professional counseling to insure that he had no psychological issues!"

    Such "professional counseling" for Future Billy will bankrupt the school district, but lead to a best selling novel and a made for TV movie.

  • cameo-d

    When you start telling kids these twisted stories and show them pictures of disturbing violence, it damages young psyches.

    This thread reminds me of the one with the mother telling a young child about king solomon cutting a baby in half. What happens when the child starts to "act out" from these stories.

    "Hey, you can play Jesus. "

    "Rusty, go get daddy's hammer and the nails."

    Yep, that's how kids play.

  • agonus

    Oh, come on. Even as a kid I knew Solomon and stuff were just stories, and I think most kids are smart enough to realize that. I mean, most kids are playing games like Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto and they turn out fine. What's a guy on a cross compared to a realistic CG head shot from a sniper in the Middle East?

  • beksbks

    Yeahhhhh, and Catholic kids are such well adjusted adults.

    I'm with the school and Undercover on this one, it's just plain creepy, and you can put money on that kid growing up a freak. The sickest part is that daddy was probably pleased as punch that his little 7 year old was indoctrinated enough to draw that pic.

  • purplesofa

    Quite possibly the kid exhibited weird behaviour before this pic, but the picture itself does not mean he is a freak or going to be a freak.

    Unless you are separating those that believe Jesus was nailed to a cross/stake and those that don't as your guideline.

    Think of how many children are taught this.

    How many of us were taught this?

    How many freaks are on the board?

  • beksbks

    Purps I am referring to the bloody Jesus. And the fact that this 7 year old child chose that as his representation of the season. The family is his link to his religion, and this is what he came up with. That tells me his family is focused on a very ugly aspect of thier faith. As someone else mentioned previously, I'm angry that we children had to sit in meetings and listen to talk of armageddon and demons. It's the same, inappropriate, thing. How can we condemn one but not the other? And yes, I would have to assume that this child has displayed other disturbing behaviors for them to make an issue of it.

    Maybe freak is not translating. Freak=maladjusted, not freak=mass murderer.

  • beksbks

    After reading an article, it looks like the boy was special needs. Also looks like the school was as careless as the father in protecting the child's feelings/innocence.

  • purplesofa


    what article are you referring to please?

    thank-you kindly


  • agonus

    I dunno. I have to say I think this is being blown out of proportion. Christ crucified is a symbol of faith to millions - it's not meant to be shocking or offensive, and it's certainly not like your average kid never saw a crucifix before. I'm glad I'm not so easily offended and ultra-sensitive to religious iconography as I was when I was in the WT... I mean, if the kid drew a Magen David, you'd be accused of anti-Semitism if you took issue to it. Granted, a hexagram isn't exactly the same thing as a dead guy, but you know what I'm driving at.

  • agonus

    I dunno. I have to say I think this is being blown out of proportion. Christ crucified is a symbol of faith to millions - it's not meant to be shocking or offensive, and it's certainly not like your average kid never saw a crucifix before. I'm glad I'm not so easily offended and ultra-sensitive to religious iconography as I was when I was in the WT... I mean, if the kid drew a Magen David, you'd be accused of anti-Semitism if you took issue to it. Granted, a hexagram isn't exactly the same thing as a dead guy, but you know what I'm driving at.

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