What "house" is that? Not the JW house. All may not be well there but they still grow and still enjoy their families and friends.
by AllTimeJeff 83 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What "house" is that? Not the JW house. All may not be well there but they still grow and still enjoy their families and friends.
I'd be very interested in your figures because most JWs I know who come here never return.
And visa-versa to you too. How do you know most JW's who come here never return?
It's not the point per se. (at least your comments are relative to the subject... thank you for that) My point was, even if your view of this particular website is correct (I can see your point, can't say I agree with that would go for everyone) there are other places a lurking discontented JW can go.
I can't imagine for example (for example, only an example) that a JW who is having major issues, being treated poorly for example, is going to come here, get scared off and say "JWN is nuts! So much for the internet." There are other places for them to go. Whether or not they come back here is irrelevant. I doubt very seriously one website is going to scare off someone who knows that JW's are full of crap.
However, at first, I didn't post here, (though I did lurk) I was at Ronnie's board on Yuku, which was very low stress in the manner you suggest. So again, I don't disagree with your premise, only to the degree to which you would apply it.
Outlaw, Flipper, et al (continued thanks for the discussion and opinions)
I am going to throw out a theoretical possibility.
Some websites that have shut down (wtcomments??) got sued, and because of lack of resources, couldn't defend themselves and had to shut down. What if a website responsibly done with major funds that could fire back with lawyers (assuming the GB would come after it) could have a different effect?
I am just asking.... Brainstorming ya know.... ;)
What "house" is that?
Cyber Space..
.................. ...OUTLAW
"I doubt very seriously one website is going to scare off someone who knows that JW's are full of crap."
I agree. But those who do not yet realize the JWs are, as you say, full of crap, they will run. So, is the catch that first a JW must realize their religion is no good and then they come here and learn their religion is no good? Or could it be that a JW who is not sure about their religion or is happy in their religion and seeks to learn more about the exJW world may come here to just float about the place? And if they do what do they find? Kindness and open discussion that recognizes the good that many have experienced in the JW religion? Have you read the comments on Dogpatch's latest Barbara and Joe Anderson thread? That was a very good thread. It recognized that not all is evil and bad in the JWs. That there can be and still are fine times there. This is the kind of thing I'm talking about. Balance and fairness is rewarded with trust. Trust that what is said here is true and not distorted lies.
What if a website responsibly done with major funds that could fire back with lawyers (assuming the GB would come after it) could have a different effect?
Do you have Billions of Dollars with 100 lawyers on retainer?
Unless you do..your Screwed..
We survive on JWN because of Freedom of Speach..
It`s the only Realistic Way,the little guy can Fight Back..
Simon allows us to speak freely here and theres not a Dam thing the WBT$ can do about it..
I like your thread by the way..Brain storming is good..
.................. ...OUTLAW
You seem like a nice enough person..
The fact is..
This is an Adult Discussion Board,not a Childrens Day Care Centre..
I don`t care if someone is offended by what I say..
I don`t care if someone wants to be a JW..
I`m not trying to make XJW Converts..
If someone is looking to be coddled..They can always Visit thier Mommy..
.................. ...OUTLAW
One would have to have a united front but most of us who left wts don't care enough to pursue this cause as we've spend enough of our lives in this bogus religion that IMO most of us wouldn't want to waste more time than necessary trying to take down wts. Most witnesses won't see reality until their circumstances change or their mind is ready to awaken in a similar manner as those who join wts must be in a certain mental state. This is also why we were told to keep calling repeatedly because the people's circumstances may have changed and would become more receptive which in a similar manner they must be ready to open their eyes to the reality of the wts deception.
But really even if this religion fell apart most likely many sects would form just as it happened after Russell died. There is enough nut cases out there that already speak of different dates of invisible return of Christ who wouldn't mind jumping on the opertunity to sucker in this new group of lost souls.
This site should have a downloadable section where we could contribute any info that would have a jw to examine wts teachings from not only their publications but also from legal documents and crazy interviews the wts had with the media over the years and so on. Many have some cool scans of odd things that may shed some light on something that we may not have thought of before which is connected to wts or it's presidents in the past. Rutherford is a prime example of his colorful life that many witnesses never heard of before.
Besides that I don't see too many if us going holding placards outside KHs or conventions.
"You seem like a nice enough person.."
I'm not a nice person, Outlaw. I'm not nice at all.
But for what it's worth, I enjoy your posts and believe you to be a sincere.
I'm not a nice person, Outlaw. I'm not nice at all.
Your not nice?..
So what makes you Bad?
Da Debil?
But for what it's worth, I enjoy your posts and believe you to be a sincere.
.................. ...OUTLAW