Just wondering.
What will be the theme of the 2010 District Assembly?
by asilentone 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
How about, "2010: The Year We (Finally) Make Contact"?
See "HAL9000" thread...
I see that, but I am really looking for a very real answer.
Sorry, don't know the real answer except the real thing will feature no real answers.
Someone that is in should answer my question. I can wait for an answer.
"Armageddon: Near at Hand"
I mean....uh...
"Armageddon: Just Around the Corner"
"Armageddon: You Might Not Survive"
That'll scare 'em!
zombie dub
Armageddon: It's invisible parousia - can you see it?
This information is not announced until the first week of January.
The title may be leaking out, but only among the cong. secretaries, coordinators, their wives, whomever the elders tell, Bethelites.
In other words, we should know by now.
Having sex at this critical times-is this God's will?
Millions Now Living Will Never Be Able To Retire (thanks to us!)
The Truth that Leads to Eternal Depression
Babylon the Great Has Arisen---Oh Shit!
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